She will definitely not be considered of oryns opinions if it doesn’t suit her. This is her world and her son is just an unlucky participant.

Oh great 😑 she will have this topic to use for content for years to come.


Not enough information. Where are you from, where are you going, who is paying etc

They were trying to figure out if you have any actual interest in Finland. Indians are not usually travelling to Finland so they were probably suspicious of your intent, probably thinking you were not planning to go to Finland at all but visa shopping.

Koop de overslag meegroei rompertjes van de Hema. Goede kwaliteit, geen gedoe met over het hoofdje trekken en je hebt er het langst plezier van.

There are no full time employees. I’m sure she only pays them as contractors.

Moulin rouge I am familiar with, but what is a rockette?

Yeah definitely. She selected her donor exclusively on how much he looked like her. Oryns hair looks quite light in this photo though, I hope it is darker irl because otherwise she will not like it.

So you don’t believe her because she is white?

I was surprised by the size of that thing. It would have been more appropriate to get her a kids size imo.

Why pretend the question is for a friend if your title says it is you? 🤭

She has the complexion of a Victorian orphan

She could also have folded laundry, done the dishes or cook 🤷‍♀️

I would love some papers on the points you are making.

I am currently on mobile so I found you an easy to understand meta analysis of methods used on a Greek collection. If you have any more question feel free to ask.

I have a masters in physical anthropology and respectfully, you are wrong. Using associated artefacts is not considered appropriate because we can never be sure which categories are represented by which finds. You are correct, our skeleton ranges from female to male but we are able to estimate sex for most (complete and adult) skeletons. There is always a group that remains indeterminate despite being intact.

Bone size alone is wildly inaccurate. Using a combination of methods on the pelvis and skull gets you a fairly accurate result. Obviously there is a margin of error. But when you analyse a complete (adult) skeleton, most can be placed in either (probable) ‘male’ or ‘female’.

This is simply not true. If a (adult) skeleton is complete, most can be placed in a male or female category. Sexing a grave using associated finds is not considered conclusive for the very reason you describe. DNA analysis is more often used nowadays because it has become cheaper to do but we still rely mostly on physical anthropology.


The usual scale used is -2 (female) to 2 (male). We are able to successfully estimate most (complete and adult) skeletons. It depends on the population how many are classified as indeterminate.