I wanna say/quote “You’re going to need a larger spool” but i feel it would still fit on the og spool…

They did a bad job at explaining how “lock out tag out” works. If you are working on the circuit that has been locked/tagged out, you should have a key. And you can also have everyone involved (6-8 other people in total) can have their own lock and key on the same LOTO. Therefore everyone has to take their lock off before circuit can be re-energized. LOTO procedures only flaw can only be user error

Blowing into every single NES cartridge 1-2 million times, and holding it down w an empty game sleeve just to work.

You were home alone for 2 days and still felt you had to lock the door?!?!

I can respect that statement so much. I had every intention to throw it under a grow light indoors through the winter til i joined this sub. I made it outdoors through the winter bc of it.

Im an ass-holllllle. A-SS-HO-LE. Everybody!

Thanks i appreciate that! Keeps the confidence up! I flipped a recycle bin over it when it was below 20-degrees, or sleet/freezing rain, or windy.

Heres my first. Survived the MA winter in the mulch bed


Not sure about the bug but watch out for that panda bear…