Oh I don’t doubt they’re good guys. I’ve always thought that (and still do). I’m just moreso talking about their brand of humor.

Or just get the one that doesn’t have anything but methocarbamol in it. Robax makes one. Much easier (and safer) to take meds separately (with moderation) when you need both, rather than taking a combo drug which can sneakily cause issues over time.

I’m still not over The Edge 🥲 That station changed the trajectory of my musical sensibilities (and, arguably, my life).

I don’t really remember what happened there, just that she was…gone one day. I did always get the impression that she was the “straight man” in that crew and didn’t always seem to be enjoying herself. Which I mean…I get it. I grew tired of the Dave & Chuck schtick after a while, too, and I didn’t have to work with them.

Big Sonic Heaven is still around! I have the app on my phone: https://www.bigsonicheaven.com

Which is incredibly stupid considering that Trump would have a monumentally worse policy on this conflict (and has already said so, though of course he paints it as a positive).


Hi OP. This remains low-effort and is being taken down again. Please bring this to the general discussion thread if you’d like to discuss further. Thank you.

Good lord. They surely must be losing more in sales than the theft!

🦊 He went that way 👉🏼

The scary bit is almost certainly Stellan’s influence.

Sometimes the timing is NEVER good, too. At least they got their moment.

Kind of insensitive response, given OP said they’re a cancer survivor. I don’t think you know enough to say that they’re not taking care of themself.


OP, that’s enough. You could have consolidated your travel experience into a single post, and this is now your fifth. You are spamming the sub at this point. Please stop. Any additional new post attempts will be removed.

If you’d like to share your experience further, please use the weekly open discussion post. Thank you.

😭 this is so disappointing.

Don’t discount the benefit of eating the whole fruit. Its fiber content plays a role in how that sugar is metabolized. You’re oversimplifying it.

Thule deserves all the awards for this invention. They’re seriously life-changing. And to find them cheap? Amazing. I love this story, too 🤍

🦊 He went that way 👉🏼

Some fan clubs do this! I remember going to a Tom Petty show and they required ID at Will Call (the only fulfillment method offered by the club).