New Redditor :snoo_dealwithit:

I just watched it here at 1:30 am and can’t stop laughing! “And you think sharing your toothbrush is weird.” Dying! 🤣

Honestly, I’m kinda wondering if you are. You keep pointing all of his comments out and making this into a thing you have to get across about him being bisexual and making it sound wrong versus championing him for it if he was. You’re trying to drive the point that he’s bi and not saying, “it’s not wrong if he’s is” or “what’s wrong if he is?” You’re just flat out saying those of us that disagree with you are biphobic. That’s ignorant.

I have a niece who is bisexual and have family members who have said and done horrible things towards her. I have said things to these family members I never thought I would. I love my niece no matter who she chooses to love and would watch The Office no matter if Michael was bi.

I am by no means victim blaming them. I am personally shocked the amount of hatred these people had for this man. They did not deserve to be shot over these disputes at all. It’s insanity. What gets me is that she kept up her abhorrence for this man right down to the last seconds of her life instead of pleading for it. From what I recall both of them did, her and her husband. Once he had the gun faced to the husband, said husband taunted him into shooting. People are nuts!

I also dosed them all up with melatonin last night and this was the first year it was relatively quiet around the neighborhood. Typically it’s popping off still after midnight. We barely heard anything.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of me and my baby after our first week apart. We were both exhausted and missed each other as you can see! My other two are min pins tucked under the covers at my butt. 🤣


I remember watching the video. They were still trash talking him after being shot. He had to go back into his house to reload/or go get a new gun and as he came out she didn’t plead for her life, she just went on to trash him. I was astounded.

I don’t know enough of her condition but as someone who gets violently sick sometimes from drinking I can tell you it was an easy decision for me to give up alcohol. I get migraines and it’s usually a 75% chance I’m getting one if I drink and about a 50/50 chance I will violently throw up from said migraine.

My friends all came out to visit me from out of state. I bought all the drinks for them and they asked why I wasn’t drinking. I told them I get migraines weekly just from not drinking so why chance by drinking? I had a blast with them and didn’t need the alcohol.

I can’t comprehend choosing to do something knowing it’s going to make you sick. My mother suffers from diverticulitis. She comes out to visit twice and year and still eats foods that sends her into the bathroom for over half the time of her visits. She is addicted to food. It’s sad to see.

I don’t want to judge Britney by what we see but I truly hope if she is in need of help she gets it.

Both can be true. She can be smart and he can be dumb. As someone who has been on the receiving side of a narcissist (diagnosed) it doesn’t take a highly educated person to be a narcissist or a dumb person to fall for their tactics. Can we please stop this narrative?

She could very well have fallen his ways because she was simply in love with him and didn’t want to believe what could be true. What was right before her eyes. A narcissist can manipulate and twist things without being highly intelligent. They just lie and gaslight their way through till the person starts to second guess what is real. That’s not someone being dumb. And if Ariana was not willing to listen to others she was truly setting herself up from Tom’s bullshit.

I am not going to sit here and diagnose Tom as a narcissist because I am not qualified. Does he show signs of one, definitely.

As someone who suffers from migraines, I understand you! 🩷

I will say as someone who suffers from migraines the cleaning smells are awful. I’ve had my cleaners come while I have them and sometimes I do ok and sometimes it makes my day 10x’s worse to be smelling the chemicals for the rest of the day. Once I got one while they were in the middle of cleaning and I felt bad because I had to come down to the room they were cleaning in to get my rescue meds (wet floors). My crew is amazing with my head cleaner being with us for almost 15 years now. She’s an angel. Migraines are a real struggle and my sense of smell gets HYPER sensitive during them.

That’s not it. That’s not the issue. It’s just not the joke.

Wow. That’s crazy. I’m so glad you were able to get the help needed.

My daughter’s accident happened when she was 10. She is now 22 and like I said, left with anxiety she never had before. There were some tough years there and we did try medication when she was around 17 but she hated the side effects so she gave them up after about 2 years. She can be quite stubborn and wants to “work through” everything on her own. It’s tough to watch knowing she has resources out there that can help her, other than medication. But she always wants to “tough it out.” We had to do tutoring for a good two years to make sure she didn’t fall behind in school. Then she ended up missing a lot with her anxiety. It was a stressful time for sure. And now that she’s an adult, I just try to encourage her to find her way the best she can.

Poor babies. Much love to you for loving them through this.

I suspect I just had this happen. I’ve had cysts rupture in the past but just last month I suspect a rogue cyst being mean to me. I was in on and off pain for about three days. Symptoms matched up to possible torsion and on Sunday decided I was getting in to my OBGYN the next day or going to ER. Middle of the night I awoke to extreme pain and knew that sucker burst (thankfully). I have old pain meds at home and was lucky to ride out the pain with them. Cysts suck! I’m 50 and thought I was through with them. Nope! I had a sizable one I had to have surgically removed when I was 19 and probably about 3-4 rupture from then till now. Painful f*ckers!

Much love, rest and healing vibes to you!

I’m curious. When I was visiting Florida and a shark was spotted the beach I was on was immediately closed. Did they not shut down the beach?

Wow! My son has constant ear infections and ended up resistant to antibiotics so finally (freaking doctor-small town and I was young) doctor recommended tubes. Thankfully no damage was done nor speech problems for him but he literally would be on an antibiotic, then go about 2-3 weeks off and then bam, ear infection once again. Luckily one set of tubes for him did the trick. I feel bad for you!

That was my biggest fear. That she would have permanent damage being she had many infections go undetected. Thankfully she never did. She is now 22. I am so sorry your nephew suffered from hearing loss.

Glad your family caught them too!

My son had them as well. He was one we could tell right away when he had them. Pulled on his ears, cried, ran fevers, runny nose, classic symptoms. He had them so often he became immune to antibiotics. They finally decided to do tubes around two years but his speech was never affected.

So comparing his sister to him it was quite a difference. She never complained. One of her other infections was caught during a checkup. The other she had during a sinus infection. I truly think she had a lot of them! So sad. And they said her hearing was like if we put our fingers in our ears and heard sound that way.

Luckily she was quite young and caught up quickly. She did talk quietly compared to other kids and she sort of “slurred.” Like she didn’t enunciate as clearly as her peers but that just took time and confidence. Looking back, I could have put her into a speech program but no one ever commented about her speech outside of my annoying family members (brothers) so I never did. She thrived and held student council positions in elementary and middle school and any signs were gone by HS, so all was good. She’s now 22 and thriving. ☺️

I had it happen to me with my second birth. They kept coming in and I was trying to do my massages on my own but I kept falling asleep as I was up all night prior plus giving birth takes it out of you. I thought I finally was good as they massaged me and left and then they came back just as I fell back to sleep only to wake me back up about 15 minutes later to give me a shot. I held out my arm for my IV and they said, “nope, buttocks, hun.” I teared up and said, “geez, you all just are mean to me.” Totally joking but I was so exhausted from labor, birth, constant massaging, trying to breast feed, visitors, I just wanted some sleep! Now they wanted to poke me in the ass! 🤣 I got a few more rounds of shots but luckily it stopped. I never knew about this until it happened to me. Pretty scary. And my poor young nephew was visiting when I got up to use the bathroom and the gush of blood hit the floor. Traumatized the kid! lol

I almost killed a friend and her boyfriend (and well, my husband and me) this way.

I noticed one day that my light colored dog was looking dingy as well as a rug that laid in front of one of my vents. I mentioned it to someone and they said to get my heater checked immediately (it was winter). Sure enough we had a hole in our heater (if I am remembering this correctly) and carbon monoxide was leaking in our home. The technician was shocked we had not symptoms and said I was lucky I noticed my dog and rug when I did.

When I told my friend who was renting out our basement she said her and her boyfriend had wondered what was going on because they would fall asleep constantly when they were home. Ufff! Scared the hell out of me.