Actually, I think you'll find that male early childcarers and kinder teachers would be well less than 5%, probably lower than 1%. When you mention 50/50 though, it raises a good point. What about the absolute mongrel women out there who seem to slide under the radar? I'm sure the minister for women's affairs never discusses the bad woman factor.

The incoming wave is happy to live 10 to a house. Blame Anphoney for this crisis, it's squarely on Labor as they stack enclave electorates for future elections.

This is a government who takes no responsibility for any of their utterly disastrous policies, trying to demonise all men for the acts of a very few. We've lost strong male role models in education as they've been chased out and it doesn't pay enough to stay in. Women predominantly influence the outcomes so a major part of the focus should be on where they are fucking up too.

Women predominantly raise boys from birth through early education and onto to adulthood, yet take no responsibility for the small minority who are bad.

Distraction from the unfolding trainwreck in Labor land.

I agree with the notion of battery recycling being viable as bullshit. EV Auto makers are facing a huge rejection of the tech right now due to the perception (real) that the client will lose $ due to excessive depreciation. If recycling as cited in that link were real, the Auto makers would have it advertised in our faces non stop. They don't because it's not real.

If it were genuinely viable they'd be responding to the current bad publicity with blanket advertising to tell us a happy story. I call bullshit until I start seeing mainstream recycling programs broadly advertised by car makers and satisfied users confirming their positive experience.

Never heard of it. My understanding is that they're a disaster. Surely can't be classifiable as renewable when they're a dead end. That also goes for solar panels and wind turbines.

Anyone know how EV batteries are recycled?

Immigrants on visas committing sex crimes and assaults... No problem.

Regression in every facet of life. From the self anointed Progressives.

Under no circumstances does a normal person laugh at the problems caused by their own party's political decisions. He's a weirdo.

They'll just double dose him with whatever they're giving him now.

I had one like that. Got it checked and monitored for a couple of years, then got it removed due to people constantly telling me I had something in my eye. In Australia we treat mole management pretty seriously due to the amount of sun we get.