I’ll just say that if I were the person you’re looking for, I wouldn’t want people I know to go handing out my contact info to random people looking for me on Reddit. I’m not saying you have nefarious intent, but plenty of people do.

I think you might be confused on what the Z is referring to. It’s a symbol representing Russian military forces in Ukraine, a very real force objectively killing people in a war, not a political movement with dubious ties to killing as you suggest.

In the meantime those unsolved problems are reaching crisis proportions due to a half century of relative inaction.

The uniqueness of current young people’s problems is not an opinion. It’s a scientific and statistical fact.

Older people have also been downplaying concerns from youth since the beginning of time.

It’s also worth noting that many of “sky is falling down” problems the youth points to today are the same as at least the past two or three generations. That’s not an indication that these problems don’t matter – it’s an indication these problems never got solved.

I’m sure that’s a response to some comment, but not to mine.

In high school, we were literally encouraged to plan based off of objective statistics. For instance, using the BLS OOH to do career planning.

The problem is that society has become so volatile that most projections are useless.

If you don’t see that, you need to read more. Especially if you’re an educator. Dismissing valid youth concerns as excuses is unbecoming of this profession.

*edit spelling

There’s a literal photo showing that’s not the case here. I’m not talking about hypotheticals. I’m talking about this real instance.

There’s a huge caveat you ignore here. Police cannot violate people’s constitutional rights to enforce this law.

It’s important to understand that the reason students and young adults are so unenthusiastic is because of the belief that the world we’re being trained for is not actually going to exist for much longer, and whatever comes after we are not only not being prepared for, but instead being encouraged to ignore.

Young people want to prepare for the future, want to plan our futures, but we know that whatever future comes is going to be radically and unpredictably different, and so the idea of preparation and planning becomes laughable.

Not necessarily banned. They could have voluntarily deactivated.