Yes my wife just had a baby and he's moved into a semi in Wigan.

Bit aggressive there, are you okay? Semis I will give you but not some many terraces or flats. Some housing association flats. The semis are out of reach of most people. Without doxing myself I'm very aware of what size and form of new housing is thanks to my job.

Except we have mostly detached family homes that are out of the reach of most people. Id be quite happy to buy one and free upy house for immigration people but I don't earn anywhere near enough money.

I cant help thinking the Tories have to take some of the blame for atmosphere now, they decided to open the pandora's box of popularism and now it won't shut. Hopefully a few years down the line this burns out a bit.

The post WW2:war America was a time of opportunity and comparative wealth for the average working class American. ( Or at least White American ) The further away we get from that time the more they take the piss and wealth inequality becomes greater.

We have a new government now, Starmer has already rolled back Rwanda and Starmer has said he will review the laws around exemption from prosecution for British Forces actions in war. Starmer seems to be very committed to the idea of integrity and the law. He might lift the lid on it. We don't have Boris anymore hanging around partying with KGB guys in villas in Italy, and bizarrely also Katie Price who was there too.

It was a long post but interesting. I guess the bigger theme is do we owe our family members a duty of care?

I suppose the default nice version of this is your parents take you to fun activities when you are small, teach you to tie your shoe laces and help you with your homework and be decent and help instill in you values and moral compass and how to relate to the world in school, work and socially. Then at some point they get old and the dynamic switches to you helping them out with life stuff such as home upkeep, getting them to appointments or arranging care for them.

If your parents are shitty abusive parents when you are small does that mean the contract to help them out becomes null and void when you are an adult? I saw some parallels in what you wrote to my own situation, but where your mother seems to be a shell of herself- what I see now in plain sight is a vicious old woman who can't stop herself being nasty and angry to the point she's pretty much burnt out all her friends and is estranged from her two children and her grand daughter.

I sort of feel like we hoped that when she didn't work nights anymore, when she didn't have money worries anymore, when she didn't have a stressful job anymore she'd chill the fuck out and become something nearer a nice old lady, it sounds like your mum's nastiness has mostly fallen away whilst mine just continues to have it as her life force. I can't be arsed with it.

I just plugged mine into my old hi fi separates amp via a digital converter and run it though my hi fi speakers- better than a soundbar- you could pick up second hand from gumtree or something.

Where was the bit about someone topping a fem boy? This isn't the green text I've come to expect.

The British Government and the British media are controlled by the Jews... He was saying that years ago.

It's worse than that. George probably doesn't really care one way or another about gay people, check this out from his Wikipedia

"Galloway's views on social issues have changed over time. He once received an award from Stonewall and voted to lower the age of consent for homosexuality from 18 to 16.[290] He voted in favor of allowing gay couples to marry in 2013, though he was absent for the third reading of the bill."

Right now he's targeting constituencies with a big Muslim population. Mostly on a Pro Palestine ticket. Rocking up shouting a load of anti Israel stuff down a megaphone to crowds in the street..

He's suddenly taken on the anti gay people stance that the majority of Muslims people in the UK traditionally have. Something like 60% of Muslims in the UK believe homosexually should be a crime.

His party 'campaigners' seem like total shit bag thugs. The two female labour MPs in Birmingham have been subjected to horrible harassment and threats during the election campaign. In fact it makes the baby reindeer drama look like a kids bedroom story in comparison.

When you turn the majority of your population into warriors there's a big incentive to keep them sweet when they get back home.

Americans were literally living in tents in the deserts eating paper to stave off hunger pains in the great depression. You don't treat men who know how to destroy an oppressive government like that.

Would have been so cheap and easy to put another membrane over it, ( which it needs anyway before concrete).

He has resigned from being the leader of the conservative party. Obviously that means there will be an immediate leadership contest.

It's convention that leaders step down after election defeats but arguably it's a bad move to do this right away. There's a halfway house where he says he will resign soon and then they can all work out who's the best candidate, this just creates adversarial conditions... There will be a list of candidates and then the reactionary members of the party will decide ( bacisally about 170 000 people who pay a subscription to them). This system has hurt both Labour and Conservative. This system led to Liz Truss.

The MPs in the party have the power to decide who can be a candidate by backing them, or not. Would be better for them and the country if the 107 MPs sensibly worked together to decide were they were going politically- suspect it's just going to end up the person who promises to be most cruel to trans people and people crossing the channel on boats because that seems what the 170 000 party members tend to like to think about happening.

No one mentions there are practically no truly public toilets. There are toilets in pubs and cafes, railway stations etc, i.e. private businesses.

It's like arguing about if we should feed unicorns rhubarb. There's vanishingly few public toilets, They are too expensive for local government to maintain. there's some in libraries etc, if you can find a library that's still open after all the cuts.

This is probably on at auction because the attic doesn't have permission. There's no door to the room. Someone has DIYed it or got a rubbish contractor in to do it.

9 times out of 10 the structural integrity and insulation when this happens is all wrong. Worse case is the loft floor collapses or something.

I was very skinny until I wasn't anymore, now I'm sort of fat. Metabolism must have changed over time. Started being bigger when I got to be in my 30s.

One of the things that seems missing from the plans for changing things is a lack of attention to council housing. Let's see what Angela Rainer has up her sleeve. She's the first housing minister minister to ever have lived in a council house, and spoken very eloquently about how important this security of tenancy and reasonable rent was to her successes thereafter.

You can see an example of that here-

They had quite a serious incident during world war two in a rural village. The African American guys mixed well with the locals, they were not used to being treated with respect from white people due to segregated jim crow laws and racism back home.

The coolest thing about that is the USAAF told the pub that army rules meant that African American American troops were not allowed to be in the same bar as White American troops. The pub landlord then made a sign and they banned white troops from the three pubs.

The MPs didn't like the popularity of the Black troops and it all ended up escalating to both sides shooting at each other for a couple of hours and a guy died.

Makes sense. Is there like any life skills work that goes on? Like learning how to not mess up again?

I kept getting asked to get planning permission to carve houses up into flats, make garden rooms Airbnb's when I was designing buildings. I didn't want to get involved. I don't want to be an enabler for exploitative landlords.

Baggy sort of camouflaged my stick thin body at the time, which I was comfortable with.