Man I've been experiencing that so often these days. I'll see a random comment on a brand new post and I'm immediately hit with this overwhelming feeling of déjà vu. At this point it's gotta be bots, right? Like they just go scouring through reddit for old comments that fit new threads and repost them or something. Either that or we're both going insane.

What do you mean the meme answer I've mindlessly copied from a different post isn't netting me any updoots?? It worked for the other guyyyy 😭

Because their target demographic is teenage boys, so it's easier for incel/manosphere chumps to recruit them.

Verdade, eu li de relance e nem percebi 🤔

Pode ser que seja convenção da época. Eu também percebi que "grátis", "diárias" e "últimos" não tão acentuados, então das duas, uma: ou as regras de acentuação eram diferentes, e portanto se usava o acento agudo pra representar a crase; ou tá errado, mesmo.

Either that, or the person you replied to just isn't very sharp 😉

(Sorry, that was rude, but I just couldn't not do it)

Your "small criticism" of the "LGTB+ community" was saying that you think it's wrong (without giving justification), saying that children shouldn't be exposed to "their ideas" (again, no justification as to why, other than you think it's wrong), and also claiming (without citing a single source, of course) that lgbtqia+ people suffer from more mental illnesses than cishet people.

You were probably banned because subreddits often have rules against that type of ignorance. Don't worry, though; I'm sure there's lots of other online spaces where that kinda thing is rather welcome.

Mas não tá errado, oras. "Das 6 às 8 horas"; tu tens a preposição "a" somada ao artigo "as", daí o uso do acento grave. Troca a preposição por "até" e fica "até as". Que erro que tu tás vendo?

You wanna be the dog? The owner? The baffled spectator? Or the spectator's friend, who gets to tell it in greentext form?

flaired up pan :pan:

My late aunt once told me, when she was around 70, that she would have loved to have been born a man. That was over ten years ago, and she had no context of what a trans person might have been.

Also, somewhat unrelated, but she was incredibly homophobic. She "tolerated" gay men, but was "disgusted" by lesbians (her words). Interestingly enough, she never had any type of romantic relationship in her life (back in her day, it was socially unacceptable to date without intention to marry; and she was never married, so...)

Go figure.

You forgot Malta (first time I got to use this line outside of the Crusader Kings sub lmao)

Ubykh revival when?

If I had a dollar for every phonemic consonant in that language, I'd have 84 dollars; which isn't much, but holy shit why would anyone subject themself to that

No, American football is the one with the helmets and the ball that looks like an egg.

This is American Gladiators.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle...

The future event is the person finding out they are/were being cheated on. If you knew your partner were cheating and used that as a basis to refuse sex, that's perfectly alright. You can remove consent for any reason you want, before and during.

If you find out after, though, that doesn't change the fact you wanted it when it happened. Seriously, friends, if "consent" is such a complicated concept in your minds, try using "want". You wanted it in the moment. All throughout the act, you wanted it. Anything you may learn after the fact may cause you to regret it, but it's not gonna go back in the past and remove that desire from your mind.


I'm done with this discussion.

The problem with your reasoning is that you're considering consent as conditional on a future promise. "I only want it now if you never cheat on me; if you do cheat, this desire I feel now becomes invalid".

Try to think of scenario with literally any other condition and you'll see how that just. Doesn't. Work.

Say my partner tells me they'll only consent to sex if I do the dishes tomorrow. I agree, we do it. Next day I forget to do the dishes. Have I raped them, then? Because now they didn't consent, right?

It's even hard to put your thesis to words, because it involves some time altering shenanigans. It's like, you did want it in the past; but now, in the present, you've found out about something you didn't like about me, so now you didn't want it anymore.

If you wanted it, you wanted it, my dude. You can't change the past. You can't add conditions to your consent that hinge on future events. Seriously, stop here for a moment and please consider the consequences of what you're saying. I absolutely agree you can remove consent, for any reason, at any moment prior or during the act; but now imagine we extend that to after it... years in the future I decide I didn't really want it, so now it's sexual assault.

Think about it, man, c'mon. "Consent" isn't a magic word, it literally only means you wanna do the deed.

Your perspective here is biased as in that everybody is obligated to accept a polyamorous lifestyle with their partner.

If that's what you got from my comment, you didn't get what I said at all.

You don't need to be polyamorous; I'm not. I'm strictly monogamous. Doesn't change the fact that I can't remove my consent to sex with my partner after finding out they're cheating. Again, you cannot retroactively remove consent. That's not a matter of opinion; it's a fact.

If people could remove their consent after the fact, that would bring about a myriad of other problems. The fantasy incel world where women lie left and right about having been SAd would be real: they've changed their mind about having accepted sex, boom, it's now sexual assault. That would never, ever work.

Allow me to repeat: "consenting" to something simply means you wanna do it. You're down to do it. If you consented to it and then it happened, you can't later go and change the past. "Oh, but I wouldn't have consented if I knew!" Yeah so you regret it. It happens; I regret a lot of things I let others do to me in the past. Doesn't mean I didn't consent then.

Also, let me be very clear: it having no bearing on consent doesn't mean cheating is cool. It's not. I specifically said "don't cheat" on my first comment. However, just because it's not a moral thing to do, it doesn't mean it has the power to retroactively change your mind. That's not how things work.

If you're cheating on someone while you still have a sexual relationship with them, you're factually tricking them into non consensual sex

How so? Any other sexual partner you may have has zero bearing on your current partner's consent. "Consent" simply means whether or not they want to do the thing; you can remove it at any point during the act, but you can't retroactively remove it (i.e. "now that I know you were fucking someone else, I no longer agree to have had sex with you before I knew it" ????)

and expose them to sexually transmittable diseases

Intentionally spreading STDs is already a crime, no matter to whom. If you don't use protection with your side pieces and end up getting your partner infected, it may be considered that you are taking the risk of spreading it, depending on jurisdiction (I think; I'm not a lawyer). Use protection, folks.

And btw, just don't cheat 4head. Nothing to worry about if you're not a cheater.

sigh I bet you're an Aquarius...

Edit: people have zero sense of humor I swear to god...

There were much better ways to say what you wanted to say, dude.

Maybe he thinks his butthole isn't good enough

Yeah no this is the bit that I don't get. It's a butthole. They all kinda look the same.


It's a fucking butthole.

You're posting it with the explicit intention that people know/believe it's your butthole.

Why the heckity FUCK would you use someone else's butthole???? Like what could you possibly gain from that???????

I genuinely do not get it.