Fr. I don't believe this org has the capacity to help neurodivergent ppl whether or not they disclose it. I've asked around for advice and most ppl said disclosing will backfire in this situation.

Exciting job but dysfunctional org is draining me. Bounce?

Hello! I ran into a dilemma and I would appreciate your advice. I landed a position I really wanted, but the org culture seems toxic. They are disorganized to the point they aren’t giving enough info for me to do my job, and the manager seemed hostile when I asked clarifying questions. I’m also getting weird hostile vibes from the team I’m supposed to lead. I can't pinpoint why, but I feel undermined all the time and simply thinking about this job is physically and mentally draining.

I'm alarmed because I was bullied at a narcissistic workplace that showed similar read flags before. However, I'm excited about my job and I’d hate to let go of an opportunity.

On one hand, I’d like to voice my concerns and see if anything changes. I’m also wondering if disclosing my neurodivergence would help make the situation less toxic. But on the other hand, part of me already knows this isn't something I should be putting up with. The stress is draining me to the point it's undermining my ability to get other things done and interfering with daily life. What would you do?

I'd like to have an exit plan in case I decide to get out, but I'm not sure how to go about this. What would be a good way to walk out if it becomes necessary?

Thank you for reading!

Exciting job but subtle, consistent bullying and red flags going on. Bounce?

Hello! I ran into a dilemma and I would appreciate your advice. I landed a position I really wanted, but the org culture seems toxic. They are disorganized to the point they aren’t giving enough info for me to do my job, and the manager seemed hostile when I asked clarifying questions. I’m also getting weird hostile vibes from the team I’m supposed to lead. I can't pinpoint why, but I feel undermined all the time and simply thinking about this job is physically and mentally draining.

This is a 100% POC organization but the toxicity reminds me of working at a predominantly white workplace, which is very disturbing. I'm alarmed because I was bullied at a narcissistic workplace that showed similar read flags before. However, I'm excited about my job and I’d hate to let go of an opportunity.

On one hand, I’d like to voice my concerns and see if anything changes. I’m also wondering if disclosing my neurodivergence would help make the situation less toxic. But on the other hand, part of me already knows this isn't something I should be putting up with. The stress is draining me to the point it's undermining my ability to get other things done and interfering with daily life. What would you do? Thank you for reading!

the professor insisted on official accommodations and i bounced from their class even though i was interested in the material :(

Exciting job but I noticed subtle, consistent bullying. What do I do

Hello! I ran into a dilemma and I would appreciate your advice. I landed a position I really wanted, but the org culture seems toxic. They are disorganized to the point they aren’t giving enough info for me to do my job, and the manager seemed hostile when I asked clarifying questions. I’m also getting weird hostile vibes from the team I’m supposed to lead. I can't pinpoint why, but I feel undermined all the time and simply thinking about this job is physically and mentally draining.

This is a 100% POC organization but the toxicity reminds me of working at a predominantly white workplace, which is very disturbing. I'm alarmed because I was bullied at a narcissistic workplace that showed similar read flags before. However, I'm excited about my job and I’d hate to let go of an opportunity.

On one hand, I’d like to voice my concerns and see if anything changes. I’m also wondering if disclosing my neurodivergence would help make the situation less toxic. But on the other hand, part of me already knows this isn't something I should be putting up with. The stress is draining me to the point it's undermining my ability to get other things done and interfering with daily life. What would you do? Thank you for reading!

My country unleashed police brutality at disability activists. What can i do to raise awareness?Request for Advice

I am South Korean. I witnessed Korean police and security guards dragging disability activists from a subway station where they were staging some kind of a sit-in. There was also a disability rights festival going on nearby and police surrounded all the entrances without a clear explanation. I would like to write an article covering this situation in English so I can spread the news to other countries and hopefully put some pressure on Korean police. How should I go about finding an outlet? Do you have any other ideas?

but the ones celebrating Gypsy and hating Pan are the worst

I didn't know people did this. Smells of racism to me. :(

your comments are misleading and harmful. you are making an unfounded threat that i will be sued for libeling the university. as a gender minority seeking support, i expect respectful and constructive responses. i also find it off putting that you took the extra time to copy past your comment in another community i crossposted at.

I see that you are a man from your comment history. you have written several comments disparaging women and armchair diagnosing them with personality disorders. i do not appreciate being mansplained about my experiences from a misogynist. 

"I have a yearly membership already paid in full, and I love all the other coaches I have there but due to my new work schedule, his class is the only day I can make a full 2 hour session, so I'd hate to give it up just to avoid him. And yet, he is literally being the opposite of a coach, in doing everything he can to make me suffer without anyone else figuring it out." -> I think you should document Joey's behavior and ask the gym to have a different coach teach the class time that works for you.

my mother told me I act the way I do because she didn't beat me enough when I was growing up. Turns out I'm autistic. ugh

I'm undiagnosed autistic and my parents used to pull similar shit on me before I moved out. I also have a friend whose autism is more apparent than mine and his parents hound him with phone calls every time he's out. It's disgusting.

anyone here abused at college?

title :( caused me to relive DV and abuse at the school system

oh same. trauma from DV and ableism at school got retriggered at college. makes me want to vomit

Psych says, “we can increase your meds maybe?”

Naw, I’m not getting medicated to accept abuse 🖕🏽

I hear this for real..

OP is already being hurt by what they're hearing. I don't believe willpower can shield you from damage coming from bigotry.

I disagree that OP should forgive these people. This isn't something you can just ignore because you choose to.

i write paragraphs on phone and add titles for each paragraph. then i get to use each of them as building blocks for more coherent writing.

I had a similar experience at college that led me to take a leave of absence. I think this warrants looking for a new job as the entire organization seems willing to either bully you or act as a bystander. :(

That's why I'm giving you this heads up

My college makes students pay the insurance fee for the academic year in two installments (one for each semester). They say I have to pay despite being on leave because they already paid the whole year's fee to the company.

Afaik sexism is a huge problem at KAIST so watch out if you are a gender minority. Apparently they have a feminism group but all the female members are staying undercover due to fear of retaliation.

Hey this sounds like a really hard and demotivating situation to be in. I hear you :(

College Refusing to Refund Health Insurance Despite Taking a Leave

Hello everyone! I took a leave of absence from my undergrad college in the US and moved back to my country. However, I found out that my college charged me for health insurance this semester. I appealed this to both my college and the insurance carrier but neither is willing to issue a refund.

College says they can't refund me because they paid the carrier up front for a whole year. The insurance carrier says I can't get out of their plan (which ends this August) unless I withdraw or graduate.

I think this situation is financially exploitative and I would hate to be forced to pay for a service I can't use. What can I do to get a refund at this point?

Any advice would be appreciated!