Many people do. I know people with 9 figure net worths who don't spend a cent and will work themselves into the grave making even more of it. Greed is a disease.

I go to Vegas regularly and have gambled about $100 in total lmao. One look at the depressed boomers up at 3 am smoking, drinking, and gambling, was enough to kill gambling for me altogether.

Every time the real-life identity of a mod is revealed, they always turn out to be a mega loser. Imagine volunteering for a publicly traded for profit corporation to feel a sense of authority lmaooo

I donate about $100/mo to an animal sanctuary. That's all. I hate people and pay too much in taxes to give a fuck about society beyond that. The only other people I know who donate do it for tax or networking purposes, not out of genuine care or interest.

You'd probably get some, but not enough to make it worth it. Most people are sick of most posts on this site being about selling content, there's a zillion women posting selling the same stuff all day every day and it's a piss off really.

I'm not intimidated by professional women or women who earn more than me, even though with my income it doesn't matter to me how much a woman earns at all and I don't care for the "power couple" mega money nonsense.

I have met many successful women, and my issue with them is their attitude. A lot of narcissism, greed, and arrogance. The same can be said about successful men, but I'm not dating men. I also find these women work long hours and are always stressed out, so there's limited time or space there to enjoy each other's company.

If there are nice successful women out there, they usually pair up with more modest men who can balance them out. I'm the same way with my preferences in women. You can try to hide your success to avoid men looking for a free ride but otherwise I wouldn't hide it as it's important for a man to accept that they may not be the breadwinner here and that's OK.

It won't take long to experience the loss of your family, and then the loss of every child, grandchild, lover, friend, etc, you will ever have. Eventually you will see the entire world be wiped out. Your mental health would be abysmal and you wouldn't even be able to end your own life.

Humans would also evolve, and you would be there stuck as you are.

If you do something that gets you in prison for life you are screwed because they will notice you do not age and start to experiment on you and keep you locked up.

There's no way in hell I'd want to do this.

"because I turn into a very angry person when I do..." "It has a bad interaction with my psych meds..." "I'm sober and part of AA"

Or all of the above. Works for me.

The secret to happiness is to give me a million as I'm in a bit of a liquidity crunch :( ty in advance bro

Not possible... no organization would be able to accept that much money on short notice. Banks can't even move that much. You couldn't even transport that much money in cash as you would need hundreds of planes and trucks...

If those kids had money and fame instead of cancer they might get a subtle nod of acknowledgement from someone in her entourage. She probably views everyone else as trash under her feet, sick kids included.

Young beautiful women and older men with money have been a pairing since the dawn of time. I know more men who see escorts or have sugarbabies than those who don't. Wealthy businessmen, musicians, actors, athletes, royalty, you name it, do it, and flaunt it. Leo Dicaprio openly parades young models on his boat, but that boat would be empty if he didn't have $.

You don't even need much money to play the game. When you're older, under a lot of stress and pressure, and a bit too caught up in the hustle and bustle, the presence of a young beautiful woman who is carefree, happy, optimistic, and naive is very refreshing and relaxing, just like how she feels pampered and cared for with an accomplished older man with excess resources; it's an escape that is consensual and mutually beneficial, and well worth the cost.

That being said a long-term relationship for me wouldn't be about money. I don't see the logic behind paying someone to be your wife unless you were very lonely and miserable.

Parents gifted the down payment for me to buy 2 houses years ago. I recently paid them back. Beats saving up as the property values have almost tripled since when I bought.

I keep them fully mortgaged as mortgage debt is very cheap and then pay myself from my company to cover any shortfall from rent.

Don't get suckered in to buying too much house. A fancy house is a waste of money. Better off investing. Get in the market, build equity, and move up.

Travel, I always spend a lot when I do travel on nice hotels and amenities. Watches, I have a couple Rolexes and Breitlings. Cars, between the daily drivers, sports cars, and project cars, I'm probably 500k into my cars but will be selling one for 100k to buy an older 911 as a track car. My dream ride was always a f430 6spd convertible, which I have. I dont see the point in owning multiple exotics as it's just a waste and more to maintain, which is a pain. I also like to rent exotics when I'm on vacation to try out something new.

Escorts are also fun. I have money, but not a lot of time, I'd rather pay a beautiful woman for her short-term company than waste time on various apps and sites. A bender in Vegas with a 10/10 21 year old is a good time.

I cut back on clothes. I wear nice, durable business casual clothing, but nothing too crazy. I don't care for designer labels at all. I also downsized the home into an older one and hired help to maintain it. Some of my rental properties are nicer than my own residence, but housing is such a money pit... I'm not a social guy at all and never invite guests or host parties, so it doesn't make sense to have 2-3m tied up in a house.

You can't get more all-American than a tall, skinny blonde cheerleader type and a big, strong, dumb as bricks, football player.

You will NEVER see Taylor with a non-white guy, EVER.

This is great advice. Coffee dates are casual, cheap, and easy. If you don't hit it off, you find out quick and move on. If you do hit it off, you can take her elsewhere or set up a second date rather easily.

Not success at all. It's a narcissistic American billionaire trying to throw shade to her English ex(es) by running a PR campaign on tour to shield her from anything they say about her while making herself look like a savior. Her fan died at her show in Brasil or something and she didn't give a single shit lol. She just milks her fans for money by reintroducing the same album 42 times.

  1. I'd want the ability to see the future and would document the biggest money making plays, see what catastrophes await, see how long my family will live for and what challenges they would face, etc. Then I'll use the powers of invincibility, teleportation, superhuman strength, and shape-shifting, to go on a one man drug fuelled crime spree all over the planet.

My God she's terrible I've seen better dancing by the local meth heads

Mechanics intentionally did their surprise strike on a long weekend to fuck over people to try to stick it to Westjet. They could have announced a strike ahead of time to get people the chance to plan , but they did not. Fuck the mechanics, union bums.

The mechanics fucked over many families trying to enjoy a long weekend intentionally. They get no sympathy from me. Fuck them and their union.

New to 702

Hot as hell, drunks and junkies along the way... no thank you.

If someone were a rapist or serial killer... a week long camping trip would be the second best way to set up a potential victim, the first being a boating trip.