Depends on what your mod list is. I also have these for some of the extra factions I run even when I disable them. Most likely it's a mod that adds compatibility for extra races.

Regardless, it has 0 impact on the game and doesn't matter beyond looking clunky for the five seconds you're picking a faction

Super fun, wouldn't recommend using it with WoC/warband mods cuz upgrading a unit using warbands doesn't work. Also seems to maybe crash after seducing, though I was using a mod to get faction mechanics after confederating so that could've been an issue. Extremely cool concept however, excited to see it grow

Archaon has one, at least when hes on Dorghar. It's not necessarily giant, but it has a good range and is a sweeping sword attack. I've seen it kill several entities at once

It's the fact that you don't have to do anything remotely skillful and still get value, and you can feel good about yourself winning 1v1s. It's really easy to feel like you're really good when you're playing moira because she farms stats, gets elims and doesn't die, even if she's not actually contributing anything of value

I have done a LOT of testing, doing AI vs. AI battles in domination. For the most part it's pretty decent. Here are the issues right now that I've found: On some maps, the AI has no idea what to do with its units, sometimes just not moving anything and leaving units where they spawned, either summoned or from the beginning of the map. This isn't all maps, just a few. The AI does unsummon units, but sometimes it'll try to unsummon, it'll get cancelled after one second, then it'll keep trying and it does a loop that gets really loud and obnoxious. Doesn't happen all the time and isn't too annoying, just a bit of a peeve.

AI summon decision making: from what I've seen, the AI usually just spits out whatever it can at the moment rather than saving for a lord/big push. Wouldn't really call this an issue, just a comment on what the AI does. Also, it almost always summons from one or two points, and rarely tries any sort of flank maneuver.

This part isn't about the AI, just something I've noticed on the Crossroads map - sometimes routing units (typically defense) will get stuck against a wall on the edge of the border, and therefore won't make it back to the resummon pool because they just mill around in the one spot and can't move. Simple fix is just making the map border slightly smaller against the giant cliffs, or pushing the cliffs back slightly, but I've only noticed this in one of ~10 games on crossroads

I get a ton of ads for hearthstone on YouTube, Mobile apps/games, sometimes on websites. Definitely didn't see them very much before though, the occasional one, sure (that's how I started playing hearthstone in the first place), but nowhere near the amount I get recently

The dva onetrick I know, recently had a school tournament that they played in, they lost first round and the vast majority of people in it were diamond or lower on PC, so I'm not sure if that's really much of an accomplishment lol

Same here! I do AI vs. AI tournaments all the time for fun to be able to actually see all the models fighting, and I've always wanted to be able to do domination. Also, the multiple lords in a single army is fantastic

All the people mad in the comments lowkey making me upset lmfao. I for one think this is one of the best patches they've done. Been watching Turin for a while, so I'm super stoked all the work he's been putting in is starting to pay off. Also, AI being able to do domination + multiple lords in a battle is amazing for my AI vs. AI custom battle needs (I'm pretty sure a good 50%+ of my ~800 hours in this game is AI vs AI)

If the turn order is ended, then it's not a specific faction that causes it. I know Decky's Tech Mod has had some issues with crashing at what would be the start of the turn. I'd check over mods that you think could be an issue and look at the workshop pages to see if anyone has had issues in the comments, if not it's probably a script issue and I recommend what the other commenter suggested

I'm not saying ADHD isn't real lmfao. I'm saying there are several things people think are ADHD exclusive that aren't

I feel like a lot of things posted about things "people with ADHD" have are just normal things. I can relate to the vast majority of them, and I've been tested for ADHD and don't have it

Personally, for mods that make the game harder I run:

Combat Extender, Combat Extender AI (crashes in at least the Duergar Gyrmforge fight against Nere), Stronger Bosses, Death March, Additional Enemies, Tactician Plus,

All of those work no problem together outside of Combat Extender AI, which has some battles in which it will crash. All of those mods seem to be being actively updated, whereas Enemies Enhanced and Lethal AI seem to have been abandoned/author taking a break

Yes. Not sure lethal AI is working correctly right now, however, as it hasn't been updated since January and people are saying it crashes in the comments

I use the bg3 cheat engine table, gives a ton of different cheats and there's one to give xp

LsLib should do the trick, I don't really know how to use it but I think you could just use the create package tool

Have you exported your load order?

Assuming you have, check your modsettings.lsx file (the path will be shown whenever you export load order in bg3mm). I use notepad++ to look at it. If it doesn't have any Modules, there might be a mod that isn't working with your game, so I'd recommend enabling every mod one by one to figure out if one is causing problems. You can see if a mod is causing problems by checking modsettings.lsx

My phone also gets really hot whenever I play hearthstone - no matter the game mode. It takes about 30 minutes to an hour, and it gets noticeably hot and sometimes ends up crashing randomly. Has happened ever since first downloading the game in 2019, on both iPhone SE and Google Pixel 6

Patch notes only specify knockdown stuns, so there's really barely anything the change impacts

There's campaign configuration mod (I think it's broken, but someone made a working version on the workshop as well), that you could use to give everyone giga cheats off the start, so you could give every faction super increased research speed, growth, and income/money. Then there's tabletop caps, or unit caps for all, for dealing with caps. It's not quite instantaneous, but I'm not aware of anything that just immediately unlocks everything at the start of the game, but it wouldn't take too long with enough cheats for everyone

They just made a hotfix for it, so it should be mostly fine. If not, there are mods on the workshop to fix it as well

Update the blood dlc. Happened to me too. Generally if a unit model is missing something/going invisible, you need to update the blood dlc files

Actually I'm not sure if this mod has it for Ostankya, I haven't personally used it ever and I'm not seeing it there but you might be able to use Drycha's stuff cuz I think they're pretty similar