That’s typically all I watch. I don’t really watch much of the shows anymore. Its way too toxic. So it bravo. I can watch a reunion, get a summary and their responses all at once. If i need to go back and watch certain scenes i will. I hope their ratings drop and its all cancelled, if im being honest.

Bottle? What are you talking about? Nobody said a bottle was thrown at him. Clear example of the telephone game. And look at someone intentionally misleading people.

Casinos, resorts. Its summer. Busy season. What area in the country do you live? North, south, Midwest?

Fake. He doesn’t know what’s in it. The box has no labels on it. She would have never allowed a stranger to just walk beside her, carrying a package, to someone’s front door. Look where his car is parked.

You are talking business. A marriage, relationships and personal lives aren’t business. She absolutely used it as leverage. She is very manipulative. If we are using our brains and thinking logically and morally, she was dead ass wrong. Quit w the mental gymnastics to go along w the mob. What she did was selfish and on purpose.

Crispy chicken skin is one of the best things on earth! And i agree. I even bought 3 pounds of chicken skin, paid a ton for packaging and shipping and I tried everything. Every technique, every different way to get them crispy or deep fried. I did this for the sole purpose of making a specific sandwich. It was so frustrating. I gave up. But I still have about a half a pound of chicken skins in my freezer. I too want deep fried crispy chicken skin on my sandwiches. I have pages of notes and recipes for a sandwich w chicken skin. It just doesn’t work. Its not like pork skins. Believe me, I wish it was.

Its fake. They did this on purpose to record it.

An electric reel keeps sharks away? Never heard of that. I have one and i have no idea what you are referring to. Its not a magical tool that radiates anti shark spells.

Yes. She knew. He has done this multiple times before.

That is absolutely no excuse. Your geography shouldn’t determine your beliefs and morals. If i was Leon, i would never speak to them again. Same w gwen.

Never understood why all of yall glorify these bigots. And this isn’t the first time he has worn this type of propaganda/hate apparel.

Im pretty sure its not a blob of pickles.

:wedding: Theresa’s Wedding Hair :wedding:


:wedding: Theresa’s Wedding Hair :wedding:

I don’t love anyone that supports bigots, rapist, homophobes, corruption, is anti women’s rights, dictators, etc. Fuck that.

:wedding: Theresa’s Wedding Hair :wedding:

Huh? You might want to rewatch. Teresa and her parents were to blame for all of the problems in that situation.

:wedding: Theresa’s Wedding Hair :wedding:

It was a great season. Sadly teresa’s true self always comes out, she just can’t help herself and everything goes back to shit. She is that one family member that doesn’t get invited to functions because she is so toxic and ends up ruining everything, every single time. In real life, nobody wants to be around her, the only reason why she has ‘friends’ on the show is because they kiss her ass so they aren’t bullied by her or they are bully’s themselves. In real life i bet she has no real friends.

:wedding: Theresa’s Wedding Hair :wedding:

First, lets be honest, teresa ruined the show over a decade ago. She set the tone for all this backhanded and shitty behavior. Second, i don’t disagree about her pledge but its more than just words. Its actions, its motives, its gaslighting, lying, plotting, passive aggressiveness. Just watch kate on below deck. She is a perfect example of this. So its not what you say, it’s how you say it, your tone and many other factors. So that doesn’t fly w me. And she will still say shit behind people’s backs. She is talking about SM. Blaming it on social media and not taking accountability.

There are 2 different Mississippi’s. There is south of I-10 and everything else. Totally different worlds. It is everything that the stereotypes say. Especially the counties around the hattiesburg area. Price of living used to be cheap. Our governor and reps are mostly bigots. One of the most corrupt states in the country.