I agree it does look dated, it’s that particular tan colour of cabinets

At £305k you are missing out on anyone who puts £300k as the max in search engines

I’ve always had floaters but in the last few years they’ve definitely increased a bit. I had the extra scan at Specsavers last year and they noticed a slight tear in my retina and proceeding to freak me out by giving me the “if you have flashes in your eyes, suddenly many more floaters or shadows in your vision go to A&E immediately as your retina may have detached and you will need surgery”. I had my one year check up (because of the tear they said to come back after 1 rather than 2 years) a couple of months ago and the tear had gone, phew lol

McCain Naked Chips would be a better option as they are only potato and sunflower oil. And also gluten free (if that is important to you)

Anything that’s very greasy try and wipe out with paper kitchen towels before washing. Also soaking greasy things with dish soap and very hot water while you wash other things will probably help

I’ve carried toiletries of various different colours in refillable unlabelled bottles dozens of times and have never had an issue.

Just don’t try and drink the alcohol on the plane, that might cause an issue

I had a DS and didn’t have Wild World. The other people I knew with a DS didn’t have it either. In fact I’d never heard of it at all until I got involved in the community because of New Horizons.

As PetitRoyal says the pandemic was important. But also if you look at the consoles the games are on. Switch is the 3rd best selling console of all time, so there’s a massive potential audience.

Also I think online communities like this and creators making YouTube videos have really put the game out there. I started playing because of seeing a YouTube video

One council has been fining people for littering for urinating in a lay-by so I guess a fine for littering is a possibility lol


If you are looking to sell I wouldn’t waste your money- I would imagine it very unlikely that it would be off putting enough for a buyer to have an issue with it. In fact I’d think most buyers wouldn’t even notice.

I’d consider painting or spray painting the white brackets though- would improve how much it blends in

I’ve seen 3 cellars in my life and 2 fell into the murder basement category lol. The other had been converted to a bedroom and it just felt like you would need to run a dehumidifier 24/7 to stop everything getting damp

I don’t think anyone else has mentioned it but trifle, which is a dessert. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in a restaurant but you can buy smaller servings (as well as party size ones) in supermarkets. I’d recommend one of the fancier supermarkets like Marks and Spencer’s or Waitrose.

Also crumpets are so classically English. If you have access to a toaster you can buy some in a supermarket and spread with plenty of real butter. Otherwise there may be cafes that sell them

Oh wow, that’s not even vaguely enough of a discount. Sorting the structural issues could easily cost £40k and that’s before getting it up to a nice standard with a new kitchen, bathroom etc.

This is the kind of property that goes to auction and sells for £50k to a builder

Out of interest how much is a similar property that doesn’t have structural issues?

Probate doesn’t have to be this big scary complicated thing. If he has his affairs in order, you know what accounts, savings etc he has (and he keeps his paperwork organised) then it’s easy to do probate yourself. My granny died a couple of years ago. We didn’t start the probate process for a few months but once we did it was literally a few hours filling out forms, a couple of months wait for it to be granted and that was it sorted. Her house is still in the family but otherwise it would have just been a case of listing with an agent, going through the conveyancing process and then splitting the proceeds.

In contrast my uncles estate took 6 years to sort out via solicitors due to very complex affairs, tax issues and someone trying to make a claim on the estate. That’s not the norm though but I think people get scared by hearing of things like that.

The top suggestion of loaning it with a charge pretty much resolves this issue. Doesn’t matter if OP and their mother fall out and the house is left to the local cat sanctuary- OPs money in the house is protected by a legal charge in the same way a mortgage lender is

Probably because a lot of Scandinavians have light hair so it’s much less noticeable

The Seikan tunnel connects Hokkaido to Honshu so it’s possible to get the train from Tokyo to the island

That is extremely strange. The guy in the bottom left looks like Chuck Norris

If he’s registered at the Land Registry as being an owner and there’s no evidence ownership was sorted during the divorce then he still owns the property with his ex wife.

How long ago did he stop paying the mortgage? Just wondering how much he contributed to the property over the years.

If the ex really wants to sell it she can apply to court to force a sale and the court would then decide what he is due from the sale. Because of legal costs associated with this (as well as time and stress) your family member would probably be wise to try and avoid it going this far. Maybe he could do something like write back to them agreeing to sell for 30% of the sale proceeds.

I could see this being something where the ex then decides not to sell. If they are registered as joint tenants (rather than tenants in common) your family member should apply to the Land Registry to sever the joint tenancy. This is because if nothing is done and your family member dies before the ex wife full ownership will go to the ex, whereas as tenants in common his share will be separate

It’s still quite commonly used in England. I’d usually use it if I’ve been out in cold weather or if I’ve been swimming in cold water

Oh yeah as others have said once he’s gifted it to them he has zero say. Your mother and aunt could donate the properties to the local cats home, sell them and gamble all the money away, leave them to other people (your step father for example).

His estate is of a decent enough size that it is worth getting advice from an estate planning solicitor. A trust may be an option, but this would be costly to set up

When it comes to parking nothing surprises me. Our previous neighbours had regularly visitors who constantly parked across our drive preventing our cars from being able to leave. We’d have to get them to move. It was never clear why they didn’t block the neighbours (who they were visiting) or park in the space directly across the street from our drive. They always seemed genuinely baffled about why we were so angry

If he’s still living in one of the properties he most likely won’t avoid inheritance tax on that one, it’s known as a gift with a reservation of benefit. If he lives for 7 years or more then the properties he doesn’t live in that’s he’s gifted will then not be subject to inheritance tax.

If he wants to ensure you get some money the obvious thing to do would be for him to write a will and include you in it.

A lot will depend on how extensive it is. If it fails next MOT and you need a small amount of welding done it might just be a £200 cost or like my sisters Fiat 500 it might be extensive and need £1000 spending on it.

Or the MOT tester could have been really picky and it might just be surface rust that could be cleaned off with a wire brush and then a metal protection coating out on top of it.

Ask the seller for photos of the rust

Iceland. I’ve been there 8 times and a close friend now lives there so I feel I am more familiar with the country than any other outside the UK