Most places need an explicit sign telling you will get ticketed or towed otherwise they get in big trouble.

I’ve had lots of paper wasps right next to my front door and where my car door opens. They are pretty chill and curious even if they look frightening.

Never had a problem with them as long as I don’t poke them and hit them. They are good carnivores eating pests in your garden.

In fact, the ones you pictured look like one of the intelligent strains that some people have trained with sugar water to be “friends” or recognize the human as someone cool to have a beer with.

That said, yellow jackets in my yard don’t survive to see the next sunrise.

Relatedly, a new social-legal construct against blatantly lying for whatever gain.

Not to be confused with a legit opinion, but this outright deliberate lying and propaganda is destroying our society and our planet.

And if people think this is too hard to regulate, this is the same as business fraud. You lie in a business transaction a judge looks at the facts and makes a ruling. Business people really don’t like business fraud so why is it ok to lie about everything else?

Those aren’t common hooks. Look to be bent up during its assembly. You can get a variety of wire at a hardware store or even very thin rods, steel or brass.

One way make it is to clamp the wire to any round shaft the size you want then wrap it around the shaft. Cut off to the length you need.

On some cars the front valence or bumper shell vibrates in the wind at speed. Not sure how to search for info on that.

If that’s it they need to remove it and add some foam tape to secure or fill the gaps.

Biden and his cabinet have done a great job.

Voters are low information, reactionary, short sighted, and selfish.

It’s unfortunate that the first will not be recognized by the second. Propaganda is everything.

Did you bother reading all of it? His statements were taken out of context and lied about by republicans.

The Dr. was clearly talking about when a woman goes into labor and has a child that can’t survive.

This is no different than a “do not resuscitate “ order or terminating the use of equipment in the case of someone who is brain dead who will never recover.

Do you want to hook a child up to a heart/lung machine who was born without a brain, for 60 years?

Add one more lie to the ash pile of this country.

There is no reasonable comparison of trumps 99% blanket lies to a few of Biden’s exaggerations.


This was not the cream of the crop that a country like this should have competing for the most important job ever.

I like Biden’s extremely extensive background, policies and ethics. He’s a very good president and most importantly he has a very good team behind him.

But the presidents job is also about image which is why tall presidents are so common. His cold, age and lack of virility was not a good look for those people that are shallow voters.

Well that was a cowardly anti-American decision. Way to give a complete liar a stage and let him go. This was the one forum trump could be exposed for being a complete fraud.

There is no way in any debate that the opponent can keep up with his gish-gallop style bullshit.

I hope to god this wasn’t a decision like the James Comey move to check into Hillary’s email server, or whatever he did at the last minute of her campaign.

That’s a pretty nice summary and explanation of some outrageous claims made during what should be a serious debate about the future of the country.

It’s too bad one party can’t be serious about something so important.

I would be curious to know if he actually said a single thing that was factual. I only caught 15 minutes of it and every single thing trump said was made up.

Trump set up the plan to leave Afghanistan. For some reason Biden couldn’t change it and was stuck implementing a shitty plan.

Don’t believe a single thing trump says, nothing, not a single word can be trusted from him.

Tomorrow I’m going into work and just constantly make shit up and keep denying anyone correcting me then get indignant when they don’t accept my constant bullshit then demand an apology.

If it works for a presidential debate it should work great for my simple job.

The president doesn’t control gas prices much and they have been up and down in both administrations. We have never pumped and exported so much oil as in both Obama and Biden administrations.

The president doesn’t control inflation in the 4 years he is in. It generally takes years for his AND congress’ spending/taxing policies to cause or fix inflation.

Biden just recently tried to enact a very strong border policy which trump torpedoed because he can’t play nice with anyone.

Trump administration put children in literal cages and lost a ton of children when separating them from their parents. i hope to god they actually found them all again and reunited them with their families. I would put that evil up there as crimes against humanity category.

Supports NATO, one of our most important security partnerships.

Hasn’t tried to literally overthrow democracy, you know, the one thing that this entire country used to unite over.

Hasn’t had nearly his entire cabinet, from either his or Obama’s time, state publicly that he would be a menace to the country.

His cabinet has not been buried in a record number of scandals.

His policies actually help me and my family and not the super rich, who really do not need anyone’s help.

I do. And work in evidence based things like engineering, business, and government work for the social good.

I’m probably an extreme leftist and I see the effects of political policies on people so in my opinion I think a dead cat would make a better statesman than trump.

This would be a great application for those bucket traps that catch mice by the dozens. Lots of designs and videos available. Make the bucket trap more tasty than your car. I always use peanut butter.

If it were my car with that history I would have 3 of those in my garage. Sorry for your loss.

I have recently gotten into making ceramics (hobby).

I am seriously going to make “Flat-Earth”TM cups and mugs (compete with a flat handle).

Saved your genius marketing message. If I make more than $10 profit off of this I’ll look you up! lol

lol and coasters as cups

Your flat earth dinner set will stack nice and efficiently!

Typically the state pays for incremental expansions from normal growth distributed in the area.

When a single business forces such a large impact typically they would pay for the new infrastructure that would not be needed without them.

Sounds like there are already long term plans to upgrade the interchange, but not to this scale proposed.

There is already an interchange there. If Buckees went in the interchange would be to be much bigger and a different type to handle the traffic.

I wanted to like Fair Oaks as a proper dive diner, I just didn’t find anything redeeming about the food. Just my opinion.