Yep. This is the first sign the store is losing money.

Mongolian Biker Gang

Then he wakes up and sees Sigmar.

Bought shitty beer too for that matter.

Sometimes the textures just fuckin break. Leave the cell, save, and come back and it'll fix itself.

Fetch the breastplate stretcher!

Too many Millennial women took The Spice Girls literally.

" ...... Welcome to Robot Racing at East City Downs! I'm your host Eager Ernie!"

"Why is that guy in the power armor and his dog approaching?"

Ya know, I've never seen it in any of the ones I use, but I for sure want the ability to build the helms from the Prydwen and the Constitution.

Mongolian Biker Gang

Sold. Step on me. . . . . This is funny as hell. Well done.

You're far more likely to get botulism from bad eggs, which is why I think so many folks get that fact mixed up.

Playing as a lineman is surprisingly fun. Pancaking dudes while blocking is so satisfying.

Damn, and I can't get Loeuncour to trade me Grung Zint for anything. I LITERALLY OWN A FULLY UPGRADED CASTLE ARTOIS HE WON'T TAKE PLUS CASH, WHYYYYYY.

Well, traditionally, Belgian Kings are terrible people, sooooo.

Omg, that's one of the healthiest old beech trees I've ever seen. A couple of 3 letter agencies would be pretty mad if that got cut down. You might want to contact your state's Forestry Service or something equivalent to come out and inspect it. They may want samples to examine and seeds if possible to plant elsewhere.

Is this the Gatlinburg area by chance?