if you aren't exhibiting symptoms by now, you're more likely to be ok than not

ysk when he leaves that you will not be able to get the smell out.

you will to replace the mattress, all cloth items and possibly repaint.

make sure you are rinsing thoroughly.

i have had a few handsoaps that don't rinse off super easily.

typically i will rinse my hands then pull them out of the water and rub together to make sure no further suds appear.

yeah it's too much

way too much

way way too much


there are many parenting styles between "free reign" and "beat your child"

since you guys didn't land in that range, time for therapy for all, starting with the child

you need way more help than a vasectomy

does your bathroom door have a lock? the kind that many interior doors have with the hole for a key pin? if so, lock it and keep the key pin on yourself/in your room so no one can access other than you. you should also text or call family members and say "dad's really sick, don't come visit"

you're lucky then, it means you haven't experienced much hurt and pain in your life.

this album resonates with me, probably too hard

Get Hurt is TGA's 21

I will die on this hill. The album is dark, even darkly humorous at times, and masterfully sorrowful. A person has to be hurt really bad to produce something like this. I often wonder if the songs are difficult to perform. It's my favorite and I love it.

It always surges this time of year, aka "The New Normal" (insert eyeroll).

It's because of the summer season kickoff (Memorial Day in the US) which means more people gathering, summers getting hotter which means more people gathering INDOORS, etc. It'll bump again just after July 4, and again at the end of August when school starts, which we'll ride through fall and into the next big surge at the holidays. Can you tell how over it I am?

unfortunately it's not better, it just makes your body a perfect haven for creating and spreading new variants

yes this happened to me. the only thing that has helped is time.

he literally looked like a GTA NPC at the reunion

and because it's meant to be the religion most resembling Christianity. They aren't actually 7, but "ONE TRUE GOD" with 7 facets.

eyebrow lamination which is basically like a perm for the eyebrows