Yeah they have a beach house for sure. Not certain about the Houston house, but assume they still own it too

Agree - if they’re just not talking about it, that doesn’t bug me at all (see my comment above about Melissa Smrekar - I don’t think she’s ever touched on what caused her weight loss, people can just make assumptions), but when they go out of their way to answer questions about their weight loss and attribute it to something that is most certainly not the real culprit, it’s so shady and toxic

But Melissa has never claimed her weight loss is related to anything like “hot girl walking” or “some green shake” like OP is talking about, I don’t think. From what I’ve seen, she hasn’t commented on the cause for her weight loss at all, other than saying her body size isn’t the main storyline. Correct me if I’m wrong though! I don’t see why she needs to share the reason behind her weight loss, especially if it seems fairly obvious.

The implication was that Lauren thinks a size 10 looks like someone who overeats (aka, is overweight). And FWIW I don’t think people think that because someone is a size 0 they’re “too small” or under-eats. I think in this scenario, it’s Lauren’s history (which she has disclosed publicly in the past) with issues related to her body and eating that people were commenting on. No one said anything about her being a size 0 specifically. I’m not saying it’s right for people to DM her with any concerns at all, by the way, but just explaining why people took issue with her comments on the size 10 thing! I also want to make it clear that I don’t think messaging an influencer about this stuff is a good idea ever…

I don’t care how people dress at any age, but it’s her obsession with giving “advice” and the way she words things and talks that reek of desperation to come across as cool (and yes, I think she wants to come across as young, trendy, etc.) So to your point, yeah, she definitely follows trends that are more often seen on teens and girls in their earlier 20s, but the crime here is her terrible advice that she’s trying to give to these same young girls when I really don’t get the feeling that she should be dolling out relationship advice


Janelle’s hat is so 70 year old lady in a casino - I can’t believe she thought this was a look haha

Not the full thing, but I plan to watch? What about it though?

I know lots of people do this when “posing” but when you’re trying to sell clothes, why do you want to put out the imaging that someone’s always going to have to be readjusting the items? Nothing I hate more than a piece of clothing I have to mess with and it just always makes me think the clothes are going to be like that

Liiiiiterally. The amount of people we know who have lip filler, veneers, brows microbladed, even a boob job, etc. and my husband won’t even notice after the fact that they look different 😆 the boob job thing always makes me laugh too because I think “surely men have seen enough boobs they can tell which aren’t real!?” and half the time he genuinely is so clueless. Ah, men….

Cheap blue miscellaneous objects? I mean they’re Wedgwood. It’s fair if they’re not your style, but they’re definitely not “cheap” like mason jars with some twine that some people use to decorate at outdoor parties

Also she said she’s doing IVF in later stories and I was shocked because (from experience) they typically ask you to avoid heavy workouts, or working out entirely)

I agree. I think since she’s shared about her past struggles, people feel more bold to DM her about it. I am sure she gets LOTS of hate (which I obviously don’t agree with) but probably a lot more messages where it’s coming from a good place and the intention is concern, but I can understand that not being helpful for her either. However, her response was very telling and just noooot getting her point across in the way she probably thought it would

I’m not commenting on LaurenKaySims’ body, but I AM commenting (and rolling my eyes HARD) on her comment about “someone who was size 10”

Girrrrrl, c’mon. Really not a great way to get your message across.

(Also, I blocked the name and photo of the person who DM’ed her since Lauren didn’t) but


Two things will always be true for me: 1) I will ALWAYS take the hotel toiletries home with me from nice hotels 2) said toiletries will always sit in my cabinets and never actually get used

1) your username omg 2) I feel like she never pretends to be “relatable”(nor does she or any other influencer need to!), but I feel like she reaaaally wants to be perceived as a certain type of person, including a certain type of parent… and although I’m sure she has many followers who agree with and feel seen by her takes on these things, I truly just don’t relate and can’t wrap my head around a lot of it (including her evening schedule). Again, she doesn’t need to be relatable to me or anyone else for that matter, but I find it all so fascinating.

Almost every take she has about a movie, tv show, book is the opposite of my take. Which, as someone said above, is fine since we all have different taste and opinions, but now I know that if she loves a book, I should probably skip it.

Very much in agreement. Sometimes she says something quippy and clever, but most of the time I have it so try-hard. Which, great, it’s good to try hard at things, but I feel like she thinks she’s so cool and casually witty.

I have A LOT of thoughts on this haha but I agree it is wilddddd how she’s lying through her teeth. But at the same time, it kinda sucks that when you have to get legally married way ahead of schedule to start the immigration process that people will probably look at your marriage and then your “engagement”/leading up to the wedding party differently than they would if you were just marrying another American person. And I’m sure if she came out with it, people would just call their marriage a sham or have other things to gripe about. Now do I think her husband/“fiancé” is incredibly cringey and a major red flag? Yep! But taking all that aside, I feel like she’s in a weird situation with the immigration stuff and decided to just proceed like she’s every other girl getting engaged and waiting for the wedding to be legally married. Probably a different choice than what I would make, but I can’t really put myself in those shoes

Don’t go to her snark page tho. She breathes and people will have something to snark about it. Most of these single-person snark pages are unhinged and borderline obsessive

I LOL every time she (or honestly any influencer) films themselves getting out of the cold plunge and then doing her little shaky dance thing. Just the idea that her phone is set up filling the entire time waiting for her to get out is so comical


Who are you talking about? The OP comment got deleted