This is warranty breaking behavior because it absolutely can damage the processor. Go post on r/AMDhurt if you're in the mood to give out incorrect advice today

I'm holding off until I could run through a few others. I'm almost done with pokéclassic, then I'll probably do Flora sky before unbound. Unless someone has some good recommendations!

Most of that space doesn't exist in the form that the highly edited video presents it as, and most of what you think they did wasn't real. If you think they were walking through a working refrigerator, you're high as fuck. This is a mostly fake video intended to trick stupid people and children, and generate clicks and AD revenue. That is unbelievably scummy. Fuck these people

This is such a small dick energy comment. Do you say that about every girl that can beat you up? She doesn't look "roided out" at all. It actually just looks like you're trying to cope with your own insecurities

Probably not. Especially considering the shitty IGN article acknowledges that she never explicitly states anything like that, other than saying dudes without armor are badasses like summoning naked people.

I don't know man, those have always been huge ships, so those fires would probably be bigger than the volume of your home in the OGs, and a raging fire from a violent chemical reaction that you know is definitely leaking oxygen feels different to me. Otherwise, it's probably been criticized by redditors. In this case, we had a gentle, smoldering fire blowing in the space breeze. It was uncanny, so I think it's totally okay to criticize. Just like how factory resetting a droid by pressing the home and volume + button might seem uncanny in my galactic futuristic-past space opera. It's the people getting angry and up in arms about it that annoy the shit out of me. spacefire is pretty silly, especially in 2024, but lightsabers are still dope as fuck so I'm going to keep enjoying this show, space breeze be damned!

That's a whole lot of heavy lifting on my part something they clearly fucked up. I'm actually enjoying the acolyte, but I segregated my appreciation of Star Wars in the 90s, so while I completely understand people who dislike it (when it's for good reasons, like turning my peace loving warrior monks into politics-playing criminal conspirators with emotional problems. If you say it's because it's too woke, you're full of shit) but I also think 80% of the people bitching about it are fucking stupid. I'm watching the newest episode right now, and I'm really liking it but I can't stand the green chick. I fucking hate her and I don't know why. Ain't nobody going to tell me that Yoda would tolerate these shenanigans! Seriously though, the show is fun, and I like qimir, sol, and the twins. I hope we get another episode of better Carrie-Anne Moss flashbacks, but mostly because if we didn't, that means they didn't resolve the plot.

The guy with the lightsaber shorting armor?

I can deal with space fire, because chemical reactions happen, and I don't know Star Wars science. I can't deal with space flames blowing in the wind, however.

Yeah, but why would you want to buy an account with a poor reputation? Nobody's asking if you could sell an account. It's more of a "why would you want an account with a ton of negative history"

Do you know how burdened I was by finding out I'm the second coming? The next few years were stressful before I decided to say fuck it, The planet will be fine

When I first saw the previews, I was like fuck that kid shit, but I fucking love Jack Quaid as Superman. Some of the parts are a little cringy, but then I remember I'm not the demographic, and that this is a me problem exclusively.

That's one concept that I didn't hate about the Snyder movies.... Until I saw how they finished executing that concept and I was like are you fucking kidding me?

I was actually planning to reflash this cart with seasons, but I'm not smart enough to figure out a batteryless save patch for the GBC version yet. If I have time this weekend to figure it out, I'll probably just throw them both on the same cart, and continue to not beat it for another 20. I finally committed to beating Skyward Sword because the switch version is fantastic in comparison, but I stopped during some of the desert puzzles again. God damn it, I must finish the things that I start!

I have an SP sitting on my desk at home, right now, with Oracle of Ages (GBA edition (a total romhack repro)) just waiting for me to have time.

I was joking dude lol those coals will quick sear to your hand immediately.

Source: I have new fingerprints

I got you, dawg. All right man, imagine a Pokedex. Now imagine it, but rerostered. Isn't that exciting and new??