We rented a cabin in the mountains. It's almost as hot here, and apparently there's no AC. So I guess we're miserable but with a better view. Lesson learned: always double check there's AC

Every other day. Though if I've done any strenuous activity, I'll take a shower. I also will also use a washcloth or wipe to keep my bits fresh

I try to tidy something, maybe do some laundry. Make dinner, or ask my partner to bring some home. Play video games. Relax. I'm just so tired after work

I'm kinda partial to a Whatchamacallit

Absolutely NTA. Press charges. I'm not kidding. I don't effing care if he's a teenager, he needs to learn that there are consequences for this kind of behavior. 15-17 is PLENTY old enough to know that you don't do this

Also, wtf is up with your husband. He should be defending YOU

Let me repeat back what I think you're saying:

"We shouldn't give the poors money because they won't know how to spend it"

If you are a shitty parent, then yeah. Your role as "parent" and any right you think you have can and absolutely should be taken from you.

A few years ago in my state, there was a tragic incident involving a divorced couple. The father had a history of abuse and significant mental health issues. The mother had a restraining order against him, which included their three children. None of the children wanted to see their father, but because he had parental "rights" he was granted supervised visitation. During one of these visits, the father shot and killed all three children, the supervising official, and then himself.

I know the story is anecdotal, but you see this kind of thing happen time and time and time again. These shitty people become shitty parents, and then the system protects them more than they do the innocent lives they created

Had a friend who was a mostly functional alcoholic. Was friends with him for almost 15 years. Throughout our friendship, he broke my stuff, ate my food, downloaded viruses on my computer, broke the graphics card, failed to clean up after himself or do anything around our apartment, smoked inside, pissed on the carpet, never wore deodorant, would expect people to pay for and accommodate him if at a restaurant or event, got into pretentious political arguments with everyone, crossed sooo many boundaries... And the friendship ended not because I grew a pair, but because he blocked me. Just randomly out of the blue, he blocked me on everything. I still don't know why. Not going to lie, I was hurt at first, but it's also like a weight has been lifted

Probably some kind of Robin Hood heist. Rob from the rich and give to the poor

As someone who has never worked there and has only ever been a customer, I see it. I see it in her whole "look at me" attitude in her posts. I swear to god, she's going through a midlife crisis

I'm not saying that we should police who has a child and who doesn't. As I said, we need target the root of the problem. What is the root of the problem? Frequently, it's the things you listed above.

I want to emphasize though that being a parent and creating a new life should ABSOLUTELY be considered a privilege. Why do we, as a society, treat the creation of life so casually? It should be approached with the same seriousness and gravity as we would treat taking a life.

Which again goes back to my original point. We need to start treating parenthood as a privilege, and not a "god given right". People talk about the first five years as being so crucial in a child's development. You're right, there's so much trauma with children who are up for foster care/adoption. Why aren't we targeting the root of the problem instead of treating the "symptom". I'm not saying that it would solve everything, but it'd be a start in the right direction.

Agreed. But let's ask ourselves why it's harder.

Because it's a BIG commitment. Because they run background checks and make sure that you're qualified to be parents and can afford it and everything else that goes into it. I know I'm generalizing, but the reason why it takes so long is because they want to make sure that you will be a suitable parent to any potential child.

Maybe if we applied the same standards to people who are having biological children, we wouldn't have so many children in the foster care system 🤷🏼‍♂️

Everyone you know and love is going to die. If they're older than you, they'll probably die before you. Hopefully it will be from natural causes, but about 7% of people die from "unnatural" causes.

Sunscreen and chlorine, warm earth and pine needles, brand new textbooks, beach, petrichor

I will never jeopardize the beans.

Exactly. OP was a child. This person chasing her down is a legit adult. I don't get it. She definitely handled this better than I would have in this situation

Gonna sound crazy, but tomatoes. Usually. The thing is, unless it's a vine ripe garden fresh tomato that was literally just picked off the vine, it's going to taste bland and watery and adds nothing to my burger.

Absolutely not, it's gorgeous 😍