1. Look at that profile, cuz damn! In a good way.

  2. Look at the way the lines and curves of your nose work with your cheeks, mouth, and brow line. I have a hard time imagining another nose that would look more at home among those features.

  3. Look at the profile again and look at how it mirrors the slope of your forehead, and also makes a nice line going across your lips and chin. This is no nose to feel insecure about.

You mean that’s all we have to do to not get those things? Surely it can’t be that easy.

Upvoted just for smiths and fugazi. I can’t pin down why there’s an overlap, but it’s there dammit!

That thing is a treasure, and I have a difficult time imagining your face without it.

Well, it’s legal in my state and there ain’t shit he can do about it, and my discount tire is great.

This might be the best one I’ve seen in this sub yet.

This would make great death metal lyrics.

Minutes seem like days

Since fire ruled the sky

The rich became the beggars

And fools became the wise

That’s Justin Long in a not so clever disguise.

They’ve probably got another 10k miles on that thing since they reduced weight by leaving their brains at home.

You wouldn’t want to put your finger on it anyway; might cut it on the exposed belts.

Keep at it buddy, you’re almost there…..


I don’t want someone looking at me like that. I do want that pasta though.

+100 rock points for Quilter!

I just know I wouldn’t be able to finish it, but I’m sure it tastes great.

F$&k no, that hair was an anchor holding you down!