Midwest Grow Kit outlet hole?

I have a Midwest Grow Kit Ultimate which I used before and is overall very good. However, I have noticed there is no outlet air hole. There is an inlet hole for the air pump tube, but no way for air to escape and allow full air exchange. Is it possible that they missed this critical detail in their design or am I missing something?

My solution is to use natural light instead of artificial, while repurposing the lightbulb hole as an outlet hole. I will just need some cotton balls for polyfill. Sound like a good plan?

I don't want to manually fan and mist the tub throughout the day as I once had a perlite contamination.

All you really need is "Real Growers" Recharge. Buy the small bag because it's plenty. Foxfarm is a step above Miracle Grow, according to my plants, but it is not the best.

I am interested in a democratic intentional community where people are trained into valuable jobs including tech and entertainment. Also income would be pooled and democratically allocated. I personally have been a software developer for 10 years and would be able to help lead. I love games and am currently working on an engine which specializes in open-world games and AI.

I just injected about 5ml of sanitized water into some dry-looking vermiculite. Hopefully it will help. A bag that size could use 10ml but I am no expert.

I wouldn't risk it as I have drowned some cakes before. There is risk opening it up as well but I would say less risk so long as you sanitize the air before opening and wear a face mask.

Same here. No mycelium yet. So I injected my jars with 5ml of water. They looked dry. Temperature is already dialed in at 80.

I also want to start a technological community. Maybe your community could be an organization where members don't actually own shares, but retain votes for decisions. I am personally comfortable writing basic contracts but others advice a lawyer.

The trichomes and the mildew are totally integrated. Prevention is the best formula for this. Right now I am using an air purifier but Neem oil could work. Some critics of air purifier say they aren't perfect but so far they have protected me.

I don't know for sure but looks like the potassium deficiency featured here: https://autoflowering-cannabis.com/cannabis-and-phosphorus/

Maybe too much nutrients. But this is natural during flower. That's why you see so many grows with fully yellow leaves at harvest.

7PM is my favorite time. Maybe it depends on when you sleep.

I got my information from this source: https://acsauhaya.org/does-heat-destroy-psilocybin-unraveling-the-myths/ Which mentions a study indicating robust stability of psilocybin under high temperatures.

Personally, I can attest that making shroom tea at 200F+ results in a potent brew - I actually fear lower temps would result in a weaker extract.

Mushroom Chocolate - make an extract first or just add shrooms?

All the recipes I find online call for just adding the shrooms directly to the chocolate. But I know that the professional cannabis edibles use extracts for their infusions rather than adding raw cannabis buds. So wouldn't it make sense to produce an extract first, and mix that with the chocolate?


Even the most esteemed people have only 20% odds at startup success 🤔

Tea is my favorite method. Shroom tea tastes like regular tea! And no need to eat the leftover material.

People who believe in God are likely to grow closer to him, and those feelings of love and interconnectedness are perfectly compatible. I do think your post is thoughtful and deep. I would add: what happens to a Buddhist when he reads the scripture while tripping? It’s possible that he would be more open and receptive to new ideas (turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile)

I love these guys and plan to help them I hope you do too

Thoughtful reply. I hear you. So far, every LSD trip has been profound and utterly unique. It has changed my life. And the reason I’d like to consume it weekly is so that I can come to truly understand its effects. I don’t view LSD as a harmful drug, my psyche doesn’t get shaken up and I don’t lose myself, in fact I find myself. I believe you may be having a different reaction to the LSD which is motivating your advice.

Yeah trips for me are consistently about self-improvement, but it doesn’t go without a degree of appreciation and thankfulness for what’s going right as well. It’s a really positive sort of self-help experience.

LSD impact vs LSD itselfNewbie Question

We all know that daily or even 3 times weekly trips are abusive / irresponsible (unless you’re microdosing). However, if you trip once weekly like many recommend, you will experience the full trip with no tolerance.

My question is this: are the impacts and changes of a full LSD trip re-enforced throughout the week, more strongly than it would be for a daily user? Is it possible that LSDs impacts could be more altering than the drug itself?

Background: I have taken psychedelics for years, but it was rarely the same dose or drug so I was never able to examine my trip experiences closely.

Now that I’ve enjoyed quality LSD at least 10 times in a row, I’m starting to realize some things.
