Immediately after closing Reddit and opening threads this popped up


The newest shorts are $64. That blows my mind. I can go get the lulu shorts that she got the design idea from for only $14 more 😳

Not snark but I just watched Allie Os latest YouTube video and she and her mom are such a vibe

If she’s running 6 days a week and cross training one day there’s literally no way she’s taking a rest day unless she’s counting the cross training day as her rest day since it’s not running but like that isn’t really a rest day

I just checked her out. I would definitely consider her an influencer. She’s reposting a bunch of people praising the article (which I do too because it’s a good take) BUT it makes me wonder how well this would have landed among the influencers if it was written by someone else who didn’t have a following and didn’t create content. I feel like we’d be seeing a drastically different response from them all 🤔

I honestly don’t know who she is so I can’t speak to that but I thought the general idea behind the article is spot on. Might be hypocritical coming from her but the general idea is something I think most people have been thinking about and have even talked about here

Does anyone follow miles.with.jenna? She just recently shared about her miscarriage and she’s running a marathon tomorrow. I hope she absolutely kills it.

I think she’s only done Chicago. Also homegirl didn’t look like she was fighting for her life in a single one of those clips

I wonder how long her and her ex are gonna share the dog for

No but same. I walked the last mile and literally cried for like half of that mile 😂

As someone who actually did puke 3 times in my first marathon I certainly didn’t look like that crossing the finish line 😂

This! The second I saw that picture I thought ‘girl no’

It’s not the eating. It’s the videoing yourself eating an entire burger and posting it on the internet. That’s strange.

I really don’t think we needed a video of Caitlyn miller eating a whole burger but here we are. Influencers are wild.

She has become so insufferable so fast. Her sudden massive growth has really gone to her head 🙃

Imagine she goes to Austin and then she starts dating the other guy Makayla always posts with her and her bf and they become one big happy family 😂😂😂

I don’t even understand what he does to have all this money 😂

I’ve seen her running a few times while I’m just driving down the street and was also annoyed. I don’t even know why 😂