I haven’t heard a single person say they dislike The Bolter? I’ve actually seen tons of comments saying it’s in their top 5.

Robin is the #1 most underrated song on TTPD. Not only is it nothing like any of the other songs, it’s also one of the sole “hopeful” (if not the only hopeful) songs on the album.

Maybe if people stopped driving their cars into buildings/signs and shooting each other in the short north it’d be different. This is why we can have nice things.

PSA be very careful doing this and announcing it publicly. You are a saint for being willing, but there’s gotta be some risk to this.

Can you ever just be… whelmed?

This is too far down. He’s always been my favorite!

I guess a lesser woman would’ve lost hope.

Guilty as sin and fresh out the slammer are both like that for me.

I guess a lesser woman would’ve lost hope.

Hate guilty as sin. And I feel guilty about it.

Messy is definitely your friend. I would say look for the volumizing/texturizing dry shampoo. Batiste has one.

Which is really sad because Tolkien spent his entire life arguing that LOTR is not a children’s story. The Hobbit, yes, but not the trilogy.

Anything related to teeth (getting smashed, pulled, knocked out, etc) and animal violence. In regards to the latter, I’ve noticed an uptick in completely unnecessary animal violence being used as a cheap way to make the audience uncomfortable. It’s almost like, “I can’t think of a better way to set the tone, so let’s just torture the animal.” Aside from hating the violence in the first place, it just seems lazy.

Edit: fixed typo

I know people don’t love shyamalan’s newer stuff, but there’s a line in The Visit… “Jesus, Becca, I’m blind!” and it absolutely sent me into orbit the first time I saw it.

It’s there. You’re not crazy. I watched it for the first time the other day on HBO and restarted the movie because I thought something was wrong with my TV. Exact issue you and others are describing.

100%. This is the part I think a casual viewer would miss. There is so much going on under surface.

The latter. Most of the people in my immediate circle would likely have a very superficial take on it.

Midsommar is insane across the board. I love it while simultaneously feel like I can’t recommend to anyone.

I am normally very, very good about identifying scenes like these and shielding my view. I love horror, but I am kind of squeamish with certain kinds of violence so I try to look away. This is the first movie (at least that I can remember) that got me. Pretty sure that one’s going to be tattooed to my movie memories forever.

They showed this to us in high school and it’s the movie that changed my mind about black and white movies. Loved it so much.

I LOVED the swan. Wanted to make sure it wasn’t the disliked one! Agree with every single comment you made.

Edit: wanted to add that I felt like The Swan was the one that best captured the emotional complexities in Roald Dahl’s writings.