I don’t mean to be rude, but your wife is batshit crazy. Time to get professional help

Also our con you will never sleep unless he is in a happy hut. They need a shelf to sleep on a flat surface

Cage needs to be covered for at least 12 hours a night so that they’re not grumpy that will bite heaps less if you do this

Just to be clear - the ring has nothing to do with. Relationships and intimacy long term take lots of communication, commitment and regular moments of vulnerability. Go see a counsellor.

Cleaning fluids etc. use as natural as possible

You need to move out. Nothing will change your mum. She is clearly over having you both there.

I think you are meant to put the little treat in the bowl…. Not beside it

Our Pei sits in the sun until he is so overheated that he is panting and grumpy. He then goes to lie on a cold floor or on the ground outside in the shade to cool down. Then straight back for another spin of the grumpy wheel

Mine has small Parrot seeds and fresh veg each day.

They love a shoulder to rest on

Stick them through the side of the cage beside a perch. One veg at a time, hopefully he will explore then try a bite