In high school none of us really said it, we just stood and did the hand over the heart thing, I guess middle school?

And in some accounts of Callisto and her story, she’s the daughter of Lycaon. There might be a version (or maybe I’m dreaming this up) where the boy Lycaon kills is his grandson and Callisto’s son (by Zeus).

I’ve seen that one. Watched it recently, actually. The way I personally interpreted it is that the protagonist is in love with the teacher, but the teacher doesn’t reciprocate but just tolerates schoolgirl crushes and also doesn’t want Manuela to be punished.

But maybe that’s just me trying to see it as better than it is. It is… not great if you do interpret it as a teacher student romance. Which I totally see that interpretation too and understand your perspective.

Someone did it when I was in first grade once. But I don’t think it’s frequent. I mean, it’s probably common for most people to have heard this happen once or twice, but not common for it to be a frequent thing

I think it’s neat that they didn’t go the typical “lead boy gets the lead girl” route

I don’t dislike that Matt and Sora got together instead of Tai and Sora.

And I generally like the English names of the Digimon better

Personally my end goal for Terriermon was Armor Rapidmon, but since you only get that in cyber sleuth like during the last or second to last chapter, I digivolved him up to MegaGargomon for the time being

Yep. Ease of getting it up and running on my tv to play with friends who won’t want to wait while I fiddle with an emulator is a major part I think

I’ve always used the regular “thuh” pronunciation just about all the time. Only exception really would be for emphasis or for a phrase like “the end” at the end of the story. I wouldn’t use “thee end” in a regular sentence or phrase, like “at the end of the road,” just for a story. It was never taught as a “rule” to me and nobody ever corrected it.

I don’t think it’s incorrect. Maybe less common, but not necessarily wrong. Probably varies by who you’re asking and what dictionary you’re checking on how correct it is. For example, I looked it up in Merriam-Webster and it says

before consonants usually t͟hə , before vowels usually t͟hē, sometimes before vowels also t͟hə, for emphasis before titles and names or to suggest uniqueness often ˈt͟hē

The way I use if falls under “sometimes before vowels also t͟hə, for emphasis before titles and names or to suggest uniqueness often ˈt͟hē”

Granted, dictionaries will still include words like ain’t that are non-standard. But the beauty of English is that there’s no one organization decreeing how we should and shouldn’t speak. It comes down to style guides and convention, and those tend to be more concerned with writing than speaking.

Marxism-curious RadFem Catcel 👧🐈

You’ve got a point. That article is giving me déjà vu

Yep. I would probably buy the Technos one if there was multiplayer capability. Never got the rare #10 Technos console cart. But the main reason I play games like the Combatribes (I’ve got the Technos arcade cart) as opposed to other beat ’em ups is because it’s a 3 player game.

Marxism-curious RadFem Catcel 👧🐈

Liberal white collar white people desperately want to be as cool as black people and borrow black slang.

What happened to cultural appropriation? There seemed to be a moment where it was all the rage to talk and argue about cultural appropriation

I had to take the road test multiple times, but I got my license at 16. Not right when I turned 16, but I got it in the year before I turned 17.

Got my learners permit literally the morning of the day I turned 15. Yes, before school.

None of these opinions are mutually exclusive with voting. People can have their opinions and still vote

Marxism-curious RadFem Catcel 👧🐈

It would kind of be funny if instead of Harris, they went for a different “strong woman of color uwu.” Then we could watch the idpol infighting

So firstly, there’s a fair amount of Americans who vote based less on who they want and more on who they don’t want—voting against the other guy rather. Even if American voters caused this, I don’t think we can really say “they’re there because a majority of voters from their party wanted them to be.” We don’t know people’s reasons. Plus, in open primary states, you don’t even have to be part of the party.

Also, a lot of the sentiment is not about the how but the why. Not the mechanics of how they won primaries (by people’s votes) but the why.

Marxism-curious RadFem Catcel 👧🐈

I really don’t want to be reduced to hoping an old man would just die already, but no matter what else happens short of that, Biden will probably refuse to step down

The look is interesting. That’s not the part I dislike about it.

Valerian makes me think “Roman emperor.” Wasn’t even sure if there was a Roman emperor with that name (looked it up, there was), but that’s what it made me think of.

I actually didn’t know there’s also a plant called Valerian till I read other comments here.

Kinda funny how people in the source thread are suggesting Welsh names when OOP asked for a not British name—though some commenters assume and OOP seems to confirm that England specifically, not Britain, was meant

I think so, but then I didn’t grow up playing them with the paddles or trackball

Oh, that would actually make sense. Granted, that was a while back, but still, that’s something that makes some sense