People have been trying to build some sort of box around metalcore for 20 years at this point. This sub is no different, deeming bands that pull from the genre unworthy of discussion if they aren't metalcore enough. Why? You're effectively preventing people from discovering good music based on arbitrary qualifiers that, frankly, no one can agree on.

The truth is that it's much harder to define metalcore by what it isn't than by what it is.

"Metalcore isn't rap"

"Metalcore isn't country"

Well, not necessarily. You could probably find hybrids of metalcore and every other genre known to man. If an artist incorporates metalcore elements into their music, I think it's childish to bawk at it and shun them from the community. If Ed Sheeran put 20 seconds of "screaming and breakdowns" in his music, I certainly wouldn't want to hear about it on this sub everyday for 5 years, but I would want to hear about it. Metalcore should be less about exclusivity.

What is the strategy behind keeping the weather head so high?

I mean he cut a hole, assembled some melamine, and put a door on it. If you were doing a job for a customer as a licensed contractor I could see you closing in on $1500. But when you "do a project for your friend's mom" I don't think you typically charge the F-U price lol.

They were so good. Heavy af. I chatted with their bass player at a show one time and he was a very genuine guy.

FS22: PC-User

I know it diminishes the immersion but after doing this bullshit for hours and hours I finally started using autoload trailers.


Is that the one with "All they have is just bow ba bah na na bow wee dee duh wee dee do da" ??

RoundUp (glyphosate) is a very common herbicide used by millions of people. It isn't good to get it on your skin or breathe it in by any means, but occasional contact with it isn't going to cause damage. Just be careful of where you're spraying it and take precautions like wearing pants, long sleeves, and gloves. No reason not to use it given it's effectiveness.

Their only good CDs were Deceiver and Life Cycles, which came out over a decade ago, so we're not really mourning the loss of anything impactful here.

Scotts has a guide somewhere on the internet that calls for three applications per season. The spring application calls for Triple Action. The summer and fall applications call for two other products but I can't remember what they are.

I used to follow this guide and it worked pretty well. Then I decided I was smarter than the entire Scotts team of engineers and horticulturalists and now I put in twice as much effort for the same results.

I will search a bit to see if I can find that guide.

I'm not gonna sugar-coat it. This is the dumbest fucking DIY I've seen in months.

Oh okay. Well a straw from McDonald's is free.

You should be pulling 10+ lawn mower bags off a lawn that size. My lawn isn't that much bigger and I suck up 20 bags every spring when I dethatch.

Drop it down. It's okay to tear it up a bit as it will fill back in with grass instead of dead debris. When you walk around on the lawn you should see bare dirt below the grass. Overseed and keep it wet.

Once you fix this abomination... there are clips you and your husband can install inside the drawers that open when you hold a magnet to the outside.

See OP? Just plant a tree and in 20 years your back yard will be dry.