I don't think they're too childish that you can't enjoy them. They're definitely aimed at kids but there are plenty of darker themes in them that I gained a newer appreciation when I re-read them as an adult. I'd just start with Redwall and go from there no need to buy them all to see if you like them.

As for D&D applications... Humblewood seems very Redwall inspired. I haven't bought their campaign setting though.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Wait till I get going! Now where was I?


Yes, Australia!

By Grabthar's hammer... What a savings.

He's having a stroke...



I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

You're going to be so mad when you find out I use a generator

With all the time I saved, I can go touch grass now.

but THe chArgEbAck Wasn'T acTuaLlY eNaCteD by tHE dINeR, BuT bY HIS Bank ON HIS BEhALf. sO tHe FRAUD wasN't The chArgEbaCk ITsELF, it Was tHE dInER Who iNiTiATed tHE fRauDuLENt CLaiM.

Do you guys not hear yourself?

Rectum? Damn near killed 'em.

Edit: Others said it before me. But it deserves to be said.

Well if you're in the market for Stanzo brand fedoras, tiny plastic meatballs, tommy guns, or black slicked back hair wigs... I know a guy.

Yeah, but for $200 I could probably get 50 Stanzo brand fedoras.

Twas a joke. Didn't know I needed an /s.

Happy for you two.

You're into short nerds with beer bellies? Are you single?