It took me some losses to learn my lesson. I just buy etfs now and wait. I'm finally back up.

Quarter Horse. They age it with sound waves. It tastes awful.

As a native Nashvillian, I'm with you too. He probably broke some rules, but I don't feel disrespected

Op, you have done nothing wrong asking for this. The DMs are generally good, but sometimes you get a bad one. I've had to walk away from 2 DMs at gencon.

One was just so terrible - the room was loud, he was too quiet to hear, he agonized over the rule book several times for several minutes on very basic questions we asked him ("does my character have a sword?"), and after one hour my friends and I knew the next 3 would be torture. We all respectfully withdrew from the game with the blessing of the one other player we didn't know. $4 game.

The other DM had a group of new players with him who knew each other and I was the odd man out. I RPd a character who was on standby at the back door ready to jump into action at a moment's notice. The other players kept rping way off the rails and DM made no attempt to being things back on track or have the world react to them. He also never made an attempt to see what my character would have been doing as things developed. I spent 2 hours of a 4 hour game on "standby" and did nothing- not a single roll because the action never moved forward. Then my buddy texted me and said GWAR was in the exhibit hall signing copies of their new game, so I left the game and went to do that instead. I just got up and left- no warning, didn't say a word. My character literally wasn't integrated into anything happening so it was no big loss. $8 game.

I totally get where you're coming from with a bad DM- it's about the time wasted and how polite do you have to be when it's bad. Is it OK to get up and leave? What are you giving up being stuck in a bad game? And is a $8-10 game with a bad DM worth sticking around for? If you are in a situation where you want to leave, try to check with the other players if they are OK with you leaving, and then just let the DM know and see if they can do anything to make it better, but don't feel.bad about just leaving. A DM should be able to plan around a character dying, so they should be able to plan on a character withdrawing too.

Realtors may work with you and find you things that aren't on the open market. This is free, as they are hoping you'll use them again if you decide to buy something.

I've had cab drivers try to scam me here before. It's also not a flat rate to every location.

It's not so hard to get to, it's more all the people turning into the parking lot from Charlotte Ave really mess with traffic.

G&L L-2500. You can find American ones for under $1000 sometimes. The tributes also sound and play great.

Not getting enough results, too busy to do the lessons, and didn't want to pay for another year.

I tried Noom for a 3rd time after being successful the first time losing about 20 pounds, gaining it all back and then some and losing 10 pounds the second time. 3rd time I lost nothing.

I switched to weight watchers, which I had used a decade prior with success (lost 40 pounds, but gained it all back after having surgery).

6'2 M, started about 270 pounds. I'm down 25 pounds in 3 months and continuing to lose weight without much exercise. Definitely recommend using another weight loss program.

Without a Wal bass or something like it, good luck

Anything in an Eb key is much easier on a 5 than in Drop D. Better than tuning to Eb standard because you can hit lower scale tones. Very useful for anything that was originally synth bass, which a lot of these were.

I'm coming from an entry level perspective. If you've already hired them, they probably demonstrated the right skills. Great place for those folks to be in and great for your company.

I'm talking about people fresh out of school who have on their resume 4.0 GPA, and 2 exams passed with a 10 on each, and nothing else. The academics alone don't make up for lack of skills elsewhere.

I actually do feel like getting a 10 ican be a flag. Usually the resumes I reviewed that said they have 9s and 10s on exams had very little to offer in communication or leadership skills. They would usually bomb the phone screen. I'm definitely going to interview someone with the right exams passed regardless of score though, but I only care about the pass. But I'd rather get B students and 6 scorers who are really well rounded than someone who is book smart or good at taking tests but not great elsewhere.

This is what short term disability is for. Use your benefits!