I don't think you'd have any issues with the shelf life. The egg white has no moisture left to it by the time it's cooked, so it's no different than storing cakes or baked goods made with eggs at room temp except there's no moisture to promote spoilage. The recipe I originally used said it would keep 2 weeks at room temp, which seems to be aligned with other recipes I've come across using the egg whites.

Oil and a beaten egg white. Also sounds like you're probably opening the oven excessively, you should really only mix it once at most if you want the nice crispy clusters.

Sam Neill is seriously underrated for his horror roles. Event Horizon, Possession, In the Mouth of Madness...hell even Daybreakers wasn't a great movie but his performance was solid.

Sam Neill is seriously underrated for his horror roles. Event Horizon, Possession, In the Mouth of Madness...hell even Daybreakers wasn't a great movie but his performance was solid.

One of the celebrity deaths that hit me the hardest. His career was just really getting going, and to die in such a freak accident... Heartbreaking.

The Fright Night remake is better than it had any right to be. The original is obviously a classic for a reason, but the remake is just a ton of fun and the cast is fantastic. It put enough of a fresh spin on things to keep it interesting!

10 Things I Hate About You is my all-time forever favourite movie, but I get sad every time I watch it because of Heath. He was so good, and way too young. Realizing a couple years ago that I'm older now than he was when he passed was heartbreaking.

I watched this with a group of friends on discord I think near the start of the pandemic and all I remember is we were all absolutely dying laughing by the end, which I don't think was the intended effect.

If you're looking for non-dairy milk, oat seems to generally be the most readily available with low to no UPF ingredients. I'm in Canada, but the brand I buy (Earth's Own) has one version that's just oats, water, sea salt and an enzyme to stop it going slimy. The enzyme probably takes it into UPFish territory but it has no gums or flavourings or anything and I'm generally more lenient with enzymes and acids personally. Regular dairy milk is also mostly non-UPF (cream gets iffy though) but I personally just don't like the taste in coffee so I'm sticking with my minimally UPF oat milk for that one application.

I had to finish the book with a box of tissues on hand. Total sobfest, it destroyed me!

Cross stitch is a good one because it can be as simple or complex as you'd like. It's a bit paint by numbers in that you're largely using a single stitch type, but it does take focus and attention to detail, and I feel like you get to see things emerge more with cross stitch. There are sooooo many options for patterns out there too, there's bound to be something that catches your interest.

The Budget Bytes version is on heavy rotation in our house, though we double sweet potatoes and tend not to add the greens.

I looooved First Wave when it originally aired. Haven't seen it since though.

This is my recipe, if you're curious: 1c butter (227g) at room temperature 1/3c white sugar (67g) 1 1/2c brown sugar, packed (320g) 2 eggs 1tsp vanilla 2tbsp milk (30g) 2c flour (240g) 1tsp salt 1tsp baking soda Chocolate chips (measure with your heart, I do a full 225g bag)

Cream the butter and sugars together, add the eggs one at a time and mix until just incorporated, then add the vanilla and milk and mix until incorporated. Add in the dry ingredients and mix until you get a cohesive batter, then fold in the chocolate chips. Bake at 325 for about 12-15 minutes until the outsides are crinkly and golden and the middle is just set and starting to brown. They will spread a TON and be a bit greasy fresh out of the oven but they're good, if hideous lol. They have kind of a toffee taste to them because of all the butter and brown sugar.

My chocolate chip cookies also turn out like the second photo and my husband has forbidden me from changing my recipe 😂 he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but he loves these buttery misshapen blob cookies.

Claire's recipes are the only ones I bother using unsalted for. She does a lot of really delicate flavours and also a lot of really bold but well balanced flavours, and I've found her salt balance is just right at either extreme.

I'm genuinely upset she was cast in the upcoming Celine Song. I adored Past Lives and was really looking forward to her next project but I just can't get excited about watching Dakota Johnson in anything, much less something really character driven since she's done nothing to demonstrate she can carry that kind of performance. Bleh.

See if you can find a smaller/more local brand of chocolate. The tips of switching to dark chocolate didn't work well for me (it would work for a couple days but I'd still be craving that milk chocolate goodness and would eventually give in). But I found a brand that does all kinds of bars ranging from white to 85% cacao, with fun flavours and mix-ins, and most of not all are UPF-free. Not only does it taste better and not make me feel gross, it's way more satisfying in small quantities so I'm nowhere near as tempted to eat the entire bar in 5 minutes flat. I'm in Canada so the brand name is probably not helpful, but Camino is my go-to now for bars and for baking chocolate.

I'm really glad to hear that because their designs are gorgeous! There's so much junk to sift through on Etsy with stolen art and AI garbage, it's nice to find actually reputable shops.

He's also been in a metric fuckton of Hallmark movies and Bruce Willis-led direct-to-video movies. Very weird career trajectory there.

It could also be from getting off the pill. I don't have PCOS but I did stop birth control last year after being on it for literally half my life (similar age to your wife). My peach fuzz definitely got more noticeable after coming off it. Hormones are a real bitch.

However you decide to approach it, I think the language you used in your post is great and you should keep to that to reassure her that you still love her and think she's beautiful, etc.

I knew an Emily who went exclusively by Millie. I'd say either of those options are better then Millicent. Yes you're naming a baby who will one day be an adult (though I don't think there's anything wrong with Millie for an adult) but Millicent feels like overcorrecting in the opposite direction and naming a frail 104 year old.