Sounds like a metaphor for our age with the boomer generation hoarding wealth and housing and clinging onto power with their last dying breath.

Sorry the movie's called Network not 'The Network' but yeah still a great film.

Unfortunately at this point we're kind of in a catch 22 damned if we do damned if we do situation. If say we suddenly find the wherewithall to actually stop pumping CO2 into the air the temperatures globally would rise so rapidly we'd have billions dying yet if we don't it's going to be even worse so yeah we're pretty much fucked at this point.

Well if their U.I. benefits have ended they don't count as either Canadian nor human in the eyes of the Liberal party.

If they make a picket sized version I'm in!

When you have a federal government propping up the housing market and GDP by expanding the fast food industry in our country by subsidizing their TFW employee's wages along with providing a cheap desperate labor force for food delivery services what do you expect?

Will the unions speak up? Of course not. In fact they'll be going to bat for the imported scab labor force to get them quick permanent resident status so they can continue undermining Canadian wage standards ad infinitum.

It's much less stressful committing to sobriety than constantly dangle the unfulfilling reward of the occasional drink constantly in front of your nose.

Because you're an addict who can't stop once he starts and the sooner you come to terms with that the better are your chances of actually quitting drinking. You actually have to quit drinking altogether and quit entertaining the idea of being a moderate drinker. It's not going to happen.

Yes let's open the floodgates of illegal immigration even more in our country. Next on the agenda will be an official recognition by the U.N. of the status of climate change refugees which Canada will also recognize which will flood our country even further.

Would love to see the poll numbers since this began. Bet they're through the roof. Come election time it'll be a total repudiation of CBC/Liberal talking points.

Seems like there's a lot of cognitive dissonance leading to a lot of whataboutism happening on this thread.

Means more U.S. based lobbyists petitioning (with not so subtle promises of post political well paid corporate board jobs) our politicians to fully privatize our health care system.

Well "supercharging" is kind of a positive sounding word so it can't be all that bad can it?

In other news water is wet. I'm so sick of people on the left trying to gaslight everyone into thinking there's no correlation between supply and demand and that it's racist to even suggest such a thing. Sure there are other factors at play but the biggest factor still remains the surge in mass immigration.

There was absolutely no mandate whatsoever given from the Canadian people for this minority Liberal government to throw the doors wide open allowing what amounts to a full scale invasion of our country sinking our way of life and standard of living in the process.

Anybody know when VR Cover is supposed to come out with theirs?

He should make a bigger deal about the TFW program. Like the fact that any taxation revenue gained by importing these workers is offset by the fact that the taxpayer is subsidizing 70% of their wages. Like how is any of this a net benefit for Canadians?

Risks? Sorry it's already lost. When taxpayers are basically footing the bill for imported scab labor to replace their fellow Canadians, and eventually themselves, I'd say we've pretty much lost the thread.

A wannabe actor whose family connections handed him the only role he's qualified to play and he's not going to leave the stage without a standing ovation at the end which judging by the reaction so far is just not going to happen.