I still use maps, and occasionally a cd player.

I loved cassettes back when they were relevant because of their price and convenience, but they sounded terrible and were prone to being eaten by the machine. I just can’t understand the hipsters reviving them.

Haha! I drive a Toyota Tacoma (kind of like an American petrol hilux) and it had a cassette player when I bought it. Switched out to a cd player, which I still sometimes use when I’m not in range of cell service.

Reminds me of In Shape Out Of Shape 50s Guy from that episode of Family Guy.

Whoa! I haven’t listened to this since the 90s! Nice!

I hate that I get rankled by such silly things, I’m trying to purge the grammatical prescriptivist from my personality.

I thought it was Sahrawi Arab Republic, aka Western Sahara?

I just got yelled at yesterday by a guy in a bigass pickup on Chestnut who was driving right up the middle. There was enough room for us to pass each other, even with the row of parked cars on his side of the road, but he seemed to feel entitled to all of it. I almost had to hop the curb so he wouldn’t hit me, and I was amazed he felt the need to cuss me out.

I see this a lot. The other weird thing I see a lot is somebody who is just creeping along, well under the speed limit, and when they get to a stop sign, they’ll slow down a little more and just slowly cruise right through the stop sign without actually stopping.

This is great advice, I would only add that if you put it on its back, put some kind of padding like a rolled up towel under the upper part of the body so the scroll isn’t bearing any of the weight.

I briefly had a boss one time who told me that he knew some people who’d had kidney stones, and he said that they drank a lot of water, and that he decided he wasn’t going to get kidney stones because he was only going to drink sports drinks and energy drinks (mainly Monster). I was not fond of this person, and I knew I’d never talk any sense into him, so I just said, “………….huh.” And left it at that.

I got tubeless tires that I used with tubes, which I admit sounds kind of dumb, but I think it was a little more stout that way.

I never did it this way back in the day, but this seems like a pretty cool route.

Forgive this unrelated aside, but once I got comfortable commuting on my bike, I felt more free than I ever felt in my life. Except maybe for when I was running late or caught in horrible weather, but even with those things it’s worth it. It’ll make you feel good, I promise, just stay alert and on top of your game, and don’t let angry motorists get you down!