Amazon sells this for $15.99, bet someone would pay more on eBay if you hype it up enough.

Sounds like your friends are nervous that they’re husbands might find you more attractive than them now.

Someone once told me that’s a sign of dehydration or a possible potassium deficiency. Drink some water and eat a banana.

Ah yes, the lettuce toad. Some believe it will bring you good luck, others believe it will bring you salmonella

If you have a fire extinguisher you should definitely try just replacing the outlet

I don’t hate them, but I’d have to see one in person before I consider buying one. I’ve seen knock offs better than some of Fanatics current product

They don’t look awful. That 50 psych should be on the shoulder though. Leave space for captain and assistant captains letters

Your coworker might be a serial killer

Murder is hungry work, especially with a mask

It’s not empty. There’s a guy in there.