Same situation when I was in college.

A friend with wealthy parents bought a house for him to live in while he was going to college and the additional rooms were rented out to some of his friends. Even at a discounted rent, they more than covered the mortgage, insurance, and upkeep and then turned a profit.

That's why it's so difficult for people born into wealth to grasp how truly difficult it is to make money when you're poor. They think "If I can easily make money then everyone can. Poor people are just lazy or bad at managing their finances."

Because it's easier to believe that than admit that you had a massive advantage in life from the get go.

I've missed so many traffic lights from people doing this I swear

At least people are finally starting to call them out on it.

Yeah its a pretty dumb question just trying to start shit. Women are generally physically smaller and weaker plus they were needed to raise kids and repopulate thus why they were prioritized in disaster situations back in the day.

While children are still prioritized today, I'd say women are a lot less so than they once were.

I went to a liquor store recently and the little tablet you pay on asked me to select a tip starting at 20%. I'm not tipping at a damn liquor store.

A lot of restaurants now make you order at the counter, pay and select a tip, and then the server brings it when it's ready.

I was laughing so hard about him looking like a little kid afraid about getting in trouble

Everyone saying it was so kind of her to return it. If she was going to wait a month she should have just turned it in somewhere like a police station. By that point most people would have done the paperwork to replace everything.

I'd be a little pissed if I knew someone found something of mine as important as a missing wallet and just kept it for a month.

Fucking screeching like she's never seen a nature documentary

The only thing you did wrong was apologizing and thanking them.

You can't control being sick so it isn't something to be sorry for and any good manager will understand that forcing people to come in sick is a dumb move because everyone else will be sick so they don't deserve thanks. Especially not after implying that you were hungover and trying to get out of work.

Sadly true. I've seen some disgustingly misogynistic comments on FB and Instagram that never would fly on Reddit. At least people on here are more subtle with their misogyny

That's the perfect way to sum it up. I do wonder though if they really equate being sexually desired with unconditional love or if they're being intentionally obtuse

Yeah I'm pretty sure the mentally ill old lady next door who isn't conventionally attractive and has to live off food stamps isn't "loved unconditionally" by everyone.

But I guess in the minds of incels the only women that exist to them are the ones they want to fuck.

To me it comes across a bit like you're just saying women are loved for their physical appearance/sex appeal, while men aren't.

I'm basing this off the example you gave where you said women are loved for their curves and their body while men are loved for things they provide like their sense of humor.

Idk about everyone else but I'd rather be loved for something I can control such as my sense of humor vs. my body.

Yeah I was given the whole "buy your books before the first day of class speech" when I started college and ended up using less than half of the ones I bought during the first semester.

Upset that I wasted hundreds of dollars, I waited two weeks after classes started next semester to buy books and did that every semester since. I usually found I could get away with not buying the book for about half of the classes that "required" them. I had classes where the prof stressed that it would be essential for the class, not optional, etc., Then assigned only one or two readings out of it.

It started out with a few videos that did actually show women being harassed at the gym by creeps who didn't realize they were being caught on camera.

These videos did draw attention to an important issue.

Because they went viral, however, some people started to make fake/scripted versions for views.

No innocent men are being made to look like creeps. They are in on it and are working with the girls doing it for the views. They are scripted that way to drum up controversy which equals more views.

It's also important to understand that women really do get harassed and creeped on at the gym and not to let these fake videos discredit that problem.

It's people getting caught up in the "us vs. them" mentality and going feral hating on Biden because he's on the "enemy's side" without even paying attention to any of his policies.

Sounds more like a shitty industry that is pushing men out as a consequence of low pay vs intentionally doing so. Still sucks man.

Bet these same people flipping out in comments wouldn't have nearly as much to say if it was all men (which is way more common)

Crazy how people suddenly care about diversity when they see themselves no longer represented

Now go ahead and downvote :)

People call journalists "vultures" for reporting on tragedy but then turn around and read those articles and would likely complain if no one was covering it. We wouldn't know about things like this even happening at all if it weren't for journalists. It's a thankless job for sure.

Saying the people in these kind of videos are probably just incels with no friends is sadly disingenuous. Some men who have been in relationships with women, are even married, and have lots of friends also act like this. These guys aren't social outcasts that never go outside. They're a very real threat and they live and work among normal people.

Sits directly next to a woman on an empty bus and starts acting creepy. Confronts her and calls her rude for wanting personal space. Asks her why she moved then yells at her to shut up when she tries to explain.

Yet he still probably thinks women are the problem and that's why he can't get a gf.

It's a convenient tactic to pit tipped employees against other working class people (customers) so they won't look at the real problem (greedy or incompetent business owners).