Vi må se hvordan det ser ud om et årti, men jeg er overbevist om at "total udslettelse" bliver en rimelig god beskrivelse.

Ift. din anden pointe: Hvis din eneste mulighed er at jævne hele Gaza striben med jorden, bombe byer og teltlejre, dræbe flere 10-tusinde børn og kvinder, så har du mulighed for at lade være. Det var ikke Netanyahus eneste mulighed, men det var den han valgte.

Jeg ser ikke hvordan dette er har noget at gøre med talen, eller min kommentar til talen.


"Enhver gruppe der har til formål at dræbe andre mennesker er en dødskult"

Dødskulten Israel med over 35.000 dræbte, hvoraf over halvdelen er kvinder og børn

Selvfølgelig kan vi godt være enige om hvem der var "the bad guys" den 7. oktober. Det er der ikke mange bare nogenlund empatiske mennesker der forstår. Hvordan de selv samme mennesker ikke kan se at en total udslettelse af et helt folkefærd ikke gør nogen til "the bad guys" forstår jeg så ikke.

Our guild realized that we could delete gear, and managed to clear mythic siege. No wipes until Garrosh, which had actual progress. All in all, very fun evening.

what is your /played then?

You need all non-trinket/rings/neck to be about 430/444 to have your overall ilvl be 400. That is 7 full rounds of upgrades, which are 38,530 per full rounds. 7x38,530 is 269.710 bronze.

You say you did it "just from dungeons/raids", so let's disregard any broken bronze farm in open world. Assuming that you sleep for 6 hours per day, you have 36 hours in our two days, which is 7500 bronze an hour non-stop for 36 hours. Even if you would be able to keep that up for 36 hours over a 48 hour period, you would be playing an obscene amount. For someone that is only able to play 2-4 hours per day that correlates to somewhere between 9 and 18 days played.

Det ser ud som om at du sidste måned blev lønnet for 162,5 timers arbejde, men denne måned kun for ~85 timer. Har du arbejdet samme timetal?

Which is wild, because you need sooooo much bronze to get to 400.

Yes ofc, which is why I said I would do the raids for bonus XP. 😅

Wait what? So even though my main is currently at 160%, the alts can never go above 100%? That can't be right.

Once I'm done with capping the cloak on me initial character, I think I will create alts, level to 25, then try and do daily life for the permanent xp bonus, then just do that over multiple chars, just so I can stack up that bonus XP.

Is it different zones that you are dealing more damage in, than the one you deal very little damage in?

Will gems in items be destroyed when crushed?


Præcis ligesom at det show Frederik Vad kører jo upåklageligt passer med det propaganda staten Israel lægger for dagen.

There is no way to change which track an item is on. You will need to re-earn the item, on a higher track. If it isnt tier, you can always catalyze it.

I guess we will see who is also subbed to Helldivers2 when we see all the "Why can't I get accepted into any keys?!!?" threads that are guaranteed to come from this.


Gigantisk faux pas at lave deepfake videoer af hinanden. Hverken indenfor politik eller udenfor. Der må godt nok være nogle digitalt afstumpede folk på nogle af de partikontorer.

If you want to craft them yourselves, then yes. But otherwise you can just use the crafting order system.

Nope, you can get an enchanter to craft the enchanted crest, and then do crafting order for the blue gear, slotting in the enchanted crest.

I charge 5K for the craft, and anywhere between 0 and 7K for the guaranteed q5, depending on profession and mats cost. Lariat and Toxic items have a base price of 10K though, due to scarcity and me having to fly to brackenhide.

Look at streams of tanks doing dungeons, look up routes, accept being somewhat clueless.

I don't, primarily because I love to hear, but I am also severely disincentivesed to do do, because hate is best secondary for me and worst for brew and ww