This is a cool picture.

CPT BLM and PTA form a triangle. Case closed.

What..? Potential unintentional carjacking?

The passages of Sodom and Gomorrah should answer you.


Trust, engaged.

That's what's common with the posts I keep seeing. Thanks a lot. Even though the 2013 is closer to my heart.

😂😂😂 GTA Online at its finest.

Still doing my research between a 2013 JCW, 2016 JCW and 2019 JCW. Hence why I asked.

Major congratulations. Many of us will be like you quite soon.

Quite a good looking cute car.

WQHD but no OLED must be saddening? But I'd pick it overall.

My broda. I am an African travelling miles from point A to point B. This car is all I ask now ah.

Lol but on a serious note, I love the Mini. Something about the design is intriguing and unique. Can't say the least about many current sporty cars of today. Whenever I see one on the roads of South Africa, I can only pray it were me experiencing that drive.

... Only hope and time will tell the story.

How do I use that? If you don't mind me asking.

A couple more months and I'll be posting on here!

Ah man. Makes me want a Mini much more.