Still have to pass that Bar and have a knack for it. He'll been first against the wall and understands that...

Sad that their used RPG has been lacking lately.

Which motor? I always wanted that 5.3L V8 drive train for a project car I have....

Will need to stop by at some point...

I was very unimpressed and wallet hurt after buying those fancy HOTDOGs... Hotdogs should not be that expensive unless it filled with say Bison or someone fancy meat.

If you machine is running at idle above 50 C, than you might consider cleaning and using a better CPU paste like ARCTIC MX-4. Make sure the airflow in the case is good and if it can take additional fan(s) that could help.

Error code would be helpful for remote troubleshooting. I would consider downloading the latest driver, uninstall the current driver, and reinstall it. I would check your system's temperatures using an app like Core Temp or NZXT's CAM, if it is running hot. A memory test might a good idea as well. If your computer has a built test and I would run them, but if not try these steps.

Press Windows key + R then type in mdsched.exe hit OK then restart the device (Memory test).

Try these commands, by bring up command prompt as administrator.

sfc /scannow

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Loved the anime but after reading the manga further - it gets weirder.

Azumanga daioh needs to saved and re-released again.

Excel Saga is one of my top favorites. A bonus was I got to meet the creator a while back!

I dislike HP more than the Dell, but seriously at my last job: they switched from HP to Dells a while back and we had less problems in a mostly 24/7 environment. The enterprise Dells are a step up from their home machines.

I met the author at Confluence a while back and got to talk to him for a while in the green room.

The Misenchanted Sword by Lawrence Watt-Evans is the first of the Legends of Ethshar and I found the trials of the MC very amusing and interesting.

Armored transport would be good idea for running over zombies and as a home. Either one for money or local police's one would work.

Extra oil on hand and check those hoses. Snacks and drink on hand. Stash some cash in case the card machine at a gas station is down. If you are driving across say some of mid-western states, get gas when you can and take a break from time to time.

I wouldn't put him in the dead column less you find his ghost or inanimate corpse.