How many bamboo kid pj companies can the world really handle?

Oh shit someone alert the police

It looks like it’s dripping down the leg too 🤢


This is hilarious. @cmcoving

I loved million dollar listing NY back in the day and this man has been keeping up with this crazy schedule for 10+ years. I would’ve died 9.5 yrs ago. I remember in the show he always woke up at 4:00 to work out. I could never.

I don’t understand how having a common medical procedure to remove fetal products after a spontaneous abortion is at all controversial. Truly. Your comment perpetuates a stigma against an important healthcare procedure that is often necessary!! Educate yourself please.

There is so much wrong with this comment.

Just bought this too and I’ve worn it 3x. I love it

Every time I see an influencer closer reveal my mouth hits the floor. The amount of shoes these women have is INSANE. This is jesshoguncrum. I think she has 7 pairs of ugg slippers. Boot pic below


“Definitely a little bump” …there is nothing. To be fair I also acted like this when pregnant. I tried to see the bump even when it did not exist. I was too excited to mayyyybe have a little something to show. The bloat however was very real and maternity clothes are objectively way comfier so I can’t fault her for switching over.

I’m dying that the first thing she picks up and eats is a tortilla chip. Serious choking hazard for a baby with zero oral chewing skills.

Bless you. Also wtf that poor kid

Please explain or post screenshots.

Woowwww they’ve dropped the listing price >100k since initial listing in august 2023. 850 to 740 now.

I’m outpatient gen peds and work 4 days a week. I’m paid on productivity and will probably make 240k-250k this year. My days are typically 8-5. I love it honestly. I have time for family and hobbies. I feel that I make a decent salary and I live in a relatively low cost of living area. At my job we have nurse triage and nurses who answer inbox messages so I don’t spend all day bogged down with my inbox.

There is NO EVIDENCE that specific food allergies are inherited.

If you have a parent with food allergy, asthma, eczema or seasonal allergies the child is more likely than the general population to have a food allergy, asthma, eczema, or seasonal allergies. (Atopic disease).

Also it’s usually not the first exposure when you have an allergic reaction, it’s the second or third. The immune system needs to see an antigen and then develop antibodies to cause an allergic reaction.

The earlier you give your child peanut butter, egg, wheat, dairy the less likely they will be to have an allergy.

I mean letrazole is not an unreasonable med to take as an alternative to clomid. I really don’t see the big deal tbh. It’s either that or miss the window to use meds that cycle. An expired med isn’t that dangerous, it just may not work as well as intended.

I love that they judge LITERALLY everyone and everything yet their relationship and honestly their lives are an absolute dumpster fire.

Lol I’m a pediatrician and we used the snoo. That’s just bad advice