From a distance (we were as far away from the stage as possible), for the 30 minutes before the show started, we were trying to figure out what was real there.

My favorite part of School of Rock, a film very dear to my heart, is the big Battle of the Bands taking place on a weekday during school hours.

That’s insane. I’m sorry that happened to you. What a shitty thing to do.

How did that happen? Don’t they transfer to your Ticketmaster account?

I went to the NYE shows for the first time in 2022. I had no trouble buying tickets from SeatGeek in November.

Ultimately, this needs to be a tv show, not a movie series. There’s just too much that we want to see.

Yes, Derek is playing the intro solo on that particular album’s version of Statesboro. Welcome, you’re gonna love this band!

Steps 5 & 6 could easily be one film, but overall I agree, and this is how I’ve envisioned it.

It was interesting the first time, but it’s just so static for so long

I saw the backstage pass collage twice in a row, kinda underwhelming

I think about this a lot. I make a lot of assertions in class about how our constitutional system works, and I have to start putting an asterisk next to them.

Gtfoh with this bullshit. The people to blame here are the republicans as well as the assholes who voted for Jill Stein or wrote in Harambe or just didn’t vote.

“I met a woman named Janna (Janna Ryan, Paul’s wife) from Wisconsin who’s never had an orgasm”

You ever see the Onion’s live tweet of that debate in their Uncle Joe character?

Same episode, when the jock is lifting the cheerleader on his shoulders: “He should use his legs more, he’s gonna throw out his back”