Bro there’s a ghost writing something into your carpet.

Surprised about what?

You are free to comment I’m just saying that the context was on drone shows vs municipal lol.

I mean it’s fairly obvious we are discussing municipal displays because the original comment I was replying to questioned why drone shows aren’t more popular. People aren’t doing drone shows in their backyard.

Drone shows are cool but they’ll never be as fun as a traditional firework show. For a lot of people the boom makes it. I’m not trying to argue btw I’m just saying that’s why.

I know right.

“You’re going to accrue a lot of debt!”

Homeless guy: “lol bet”

lol what does debt even mean to someone homeless willing to go to jail to have shelter and food?

On one hand I feel totally embarrassed and angered this idiot bothered the gator and put himself at risk then put it on the internet.

On the other I’m a little impressed…

Might want to double check that you can even check in to your hotel at 18. A lot of hotels have a 21+ age limit to check in. You might get there with a booked hotel thinking you’re good only to be on the street because your ID says 18.

FLA - NHL :60206:

The Oilers were bad in the mid-1990s and their attendance dropped pretty badly. They struggled with profitability during that time which led to (failed) efforts to move them to Houston. No one seems to remember that though.

I will say you guys weathered the more recent 10 year playoff drought much better with maintaining high attendance, but that stereotype you speak of often manifests for most rebuilding/struggling teams that aren’t the Leafs or Montreal. Even Chicago, which had won 3 cups in the last 15 years, was starting to struggle with attendance before Bedard arrived. They were down to 17k average from their 19k+ capacity and I bet you money it would have kept trending downwards.

I also notice that teams like Buffalo or San Jose never get this stereotype casted on them despite their attendance looking dismal as well. Even the Winnipeg Jets, another playoff contender, had a lower attendance average by comparison than their overall capacity but no shade is thrown at them.

Why don’t the Buffalo Sabres try to win by getting players from the Buffalo Sabres? Are they stupid?

You can’t have Chucky back. Bennett is a possibility depending on if we extend him or not.

I feel like we need a real comparative study done on players. Because sure, in theory no state income tax is an advantage, until you start to consider other costs associated with living in Florida.

Now I’m not saying shits not expensive in other places because it is, but in Florida you have to take into account the cost of a home (crazy expensive in Florida), property taxes (fairly considerable), home insurance (very high and a necessity in a state hit by hurricanes + companies are pulling out leaving less options), possibly flood insurance, car insurance (car insurance is very expensive in Florida and those luxury cars players get come with big bills for it), and basically a whole heap of other hidden expenses Florida has to make up for no income tax.

I can’t tell you if it ends up being an advantage or not but it’d be an interesting study.

Why is it the tax thing and not the possibility that Reinhart really did want to stay while also giving the team flexibility?

Oh you adorable rube you’re literally this Beaverton article:

My favorite line from this:

“In related news, Florida also had no state income tax for all the years the Panthers were terrible.”

I wish leagues would ban Portnoy from attending their games or events entirely. He’s such a piece of shit hack that doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about half the time.

This is a classically bad take that gets repeated to no end. It’s bad for the following reasons:

  1. The Panthers for a long time played bad or mediocre. Sticking it out for a few bad seasons is one thing, doing it for decades with little history of success is another.

  2. Chicago’s attendance lagged around to 17k average the last couple of years (before Bedard) because the team was bad despite the fact that they won 3 cups in the last 15 years. No one brings this up though. Don’t get me wrong 17k still isn’t nightmare territory (though their arena holds 19k+ not including standing room) but give them a few more years and no Bedard I’d have bet money they’d be down to 14-16k. Attendance slagging when a team is bad is not unique to non-traditional markets like Florida. In fact the only teams that don’t have this issue are teams like the Leafs, Montreal, or the Rangers. Extremely large fanbases but also not representative of the situation for most fanbases.

  3. 50/50 attendance from Bruins fans is absolutely an exaggeration and also misses something important. Are there a lot of Bruins fans that attend? Oh for sure. But it’s more like 70/30 in favors of Panthers fans and the reason is not because Florida fans are fickle. Those Bruins/Panthers tickets go for a pretty penny and season ticket holders sell them to help pay for the rest of the season. A person selling their tickets to the Rangers, Bruins, and Montreal games (maybe Toronto too) can literally recoup most of the cost of a season tickets. There’s a high demand because of transplants, it makes perfect sense. It has nothing to do with loyalty or commitment either because I guarantee you if Boston had a high number of out of town transplants looking to attend a game there to the point it drove prices up Bruins fans would be selling their tickets too.

It was like a short clip from the end of the parade route near the stage where obviously less people would be congregating.