My neighbors across the street have 6 dogs. Their utilities were shut off so they haven't been staying in the house. They left all the dogs in the house. The stench has become unbearable, there is several imches of feces on the floor. The dogs cry and howl for hours and days at a time. Yesterday my son and another neighbor went over to the house and found the back door standing open,all the dogs in kennels. They released the dogs who were emaciated out of the house. The cops came out but, animal control is closed on Sunday. So the cops left and the dogs all of them pit bulls, were left to wonder the street. Then this asshole neighbor who's friends with the dogs owner called him.

The dog owner and his weirdo wife came and rounded up all the dogs and put them back in the house. Then they called the cops and tried to have my son and the man who went with him into the house arrested for breaking and entering. It didn't go over because the police,like us and the rest of the neighbors, thought it was an abandoned house. The crazy wife started babbling hysterically about how she believed that my son and the other neighbor were probably trying to rape her, and that was the real reason their house was entered. They came across as unhinged liars compared to everyone else in the neighborhood and no one was arrested. That's the good news. The bad news is the dogs are all back inside now. We were all told to stay out of the house or there would be an arrest next time. Animal control came by this morning,but they can't go in the house, without the police. The neighbors with the dogs left and haven't been back. He told the cops he comes and feeds them daily. That's not true at all. They come by once a week tops. The neighbors and I all talked after animal control left. I found out some of the neighbors have been calling the police, animal control and child protective services for months now. No one knows what to do. If we could just get the dogs out of the house again we could have animal control pick them up. Our shelter here is a very humane, no kill shelter. Does anyone have any ideas?