Staying in America to fight for what is right isn’t being a martyr lol.

Running away and hiding is being a coward though. Either accept your a coward or change your stance. It’s not that complicated

The helix matchbox tower was all the proof I needed bro.

You can. But then you’d just be a coward who used their ill gotten gains in America to flea while the less fortunate perish.

As a layperson I would guess it’s because you need to provide motivation for why your NDA needs to be a certain length. It’ll be easier if there’s precedence for a given length, which is how a typical length of time could become super common.

The best explanation is a combination of two things:

  1. Both twitch and doc served to benefit from squashing this for a while. It’s bad news for doc obviously but imagine twitch having to come out and tell everyone one of their top streamers is a pedo?

  2. I’ve heard a lot of NDAs sort of default length is 4 years. It’s almost exactly 4 years since he was banned.

Given these two things it seems like the more business side of twitch probably wanted to cover this up for as long as possible whereas other elements of twitch had wanted to take it public. Now they can and here we are.

If you’re getting honey potted by a minor you might be a p*do dude.

Wonder where all the “guilty until proven innocent I love doc fuck the media” andies went

Then you’re gonna have a rough time when you realize all profit is literally theft.

This mfer (the OP) completely missed the point of the game. lol

I think you’re right. I’ve been rogue since 2019 classic and it was interesting up until it just became mutilate mutilate envenom repeat. Not even an option to play anything else. I plan on rerolling either hunter, warrior, paladin, feral… lol literally any other clsss

They literally don’t lol.

Nice ableism bro you sure aren’t a freak and are definitely a total normal cool guy

Guy with customized Reddit avatar acting like he’s done more for the left than Noam fucking Chomsky has got to be a bit

If you can’t trust your team to write a good commit or look at git history you can’t trust them to update comments you’re putting all over the code as they change the code. Congratulations you made your code based incomprehensible with comments that don’t even match the logic.

That sounds like a great thing to put in a PR description or commit history so it survives forever linked to that point in time.

Not in the business logic

This may be a hard pill to swallow but that’s what being a good software engineer is all about.

YOU have to find the time and places to write clean code. Every industry is always busy. If you’re excuse for shit code is that you’re always busy with features you just haven’t figured it out yet.

Tbf the amount of comments that can be replace with a simple fast extract method is huge. I add maybe one comment every week to the code base. If you’re adding more than that I would question you too.

Ok lunatic I’ll keep celebrating actual slaves being freed while you post on Reddit

Nah imma keep grilling and drinking beer celebrating Juneteenth

I’m purely stunned that you could possibly have this takeaway from the game. Either replay it or work on your critical thinking

It is certainly NOT presented as one which had most comprehensively failed lol. It’s literally spelled out for you at the end that the weight of capital came crushing down on the small commune in revachol and destroyed it.

Go back to posting in advice for teens, weirdo lol.

There’s a difference between gross and morally unacceptable.

There are varying degrees of evil. I wouldn’t ever work for Lockheed Martin for example.