These have been around for generations. It's a safe, practical way to make a trailer, especially since on farms there's always a truck or two that isn't working, or that you bought for just the engine parts for another truck

Hopper minecart on top of 3 hoppers. Then send 2 into one area and 1 into another.

3" lift in drivers side. slammed stance passenger. Lets GOOOOOOooooooo


Kizer Militaw, Jonathan Styles designed, fantastic edc

They are fine for cheap knives. In the $10-$20 range.

Once you get into the $40+ range, there are better companies with better materials and better manufacturing and better reputations

It might be a length thing. You might have found your size limit.

I carry almost all of my knives in the 5th pocket of my jeans, even the full size ones. And in pants without, i just keep it in my front right pocket, clipped in.

Congrats, you are the first person in history to consider "what happens next" on a game in which there are literally over a million people in a reddit sub.

Nobody has ever asked that before, so there's definitely no reason to bother searching, or just looking around briefly even.

This feels less like a Pride Month thing and more like an Everyday Agenda. I don't know why it would conscript the Pride language for this healthcare notice.

yes, its incredibly popular because its a good knife.

if you are transporting mobs, if at any time they go more than 128 blocks away from a player, they will despawn.

however, even if they stay within that range, after an amount of time they can also despawn randomly. any mobs between 32-128 blocks away from a player CAN randomly despawn. once they go 128 blocks away they WILL despawn

to ensure they don't despawn, look at transporting via boats/minecarts, as entities inside a vehicle like that will not despawn.

no its the squat, you're right. i said it wrong

I would first start by looking up how and where Creepers spawn.

Robbie Daymond. He's such a sweet human it's hard to hate the character River Ward, even though River gives real choad vibes from time to time

it's about equality. subs show heterosexual pride and no one bats an eye. You show equal pride in other forms of love: stop shoving in our faces, waaaa.

It's called equality. Everyone gets a turn. Hetero normative relationships get 11 months out of the year. You can out up with 1 month.

The fact that you posted this shows why Pride month is still necessary.

Watching him make the walk back to pick up the camera and tripod always felt extra special to me. like, not only was it a peek behind the curtain of making a tv show, it really stressed his solitude and self reliance in the survival situations.

the mini Penguin is 2.25", the mini Pyrite is 2.2"

QSP Mini Penguin (it's in my pocket today).
Civivi Baby Banter.
Benchmade Osborne 945 Mini, probably my most carried knife and one that i have to actively choose not to put into picket because it does everything. Might be a tad larger than the scale you mentioned, but it deserves a look because it's just that good

No. you'll hardly notice a difference.

Yes a tune will help you take advantage of your new airflow, and you should definitely get one. But it will be fine without, you just aren't getting any benefits and might actually technically get a couple hp less depending on what the computer interprets is happening with air/fuel ratios

Civivi Elementum.
QSP Penguin.
CJRB Pyrite.

Iron farm used to work but stopped? * Check for rogue golems in a cave somewhere * Break beds and replace

I'm usually in the "celebrate all mods" but between this and the Carolina Lean Squat, i don't know which is dumber

um, is it ok if I bypass boops entirely and go straight to flapping those majestic jowls? i just wanna grab 'em and flap 'em around

Pathfinding. They can't pathfind to teh bed because they are blocked into their holding cells.

Java doesn't need beds to reset trades, tho, if that is your goal.