could be something worse than cheating that she was going to see on his phone

she said "I don't have your dad's phone number" because he probably told her to call his dad to help bail him out. obviously he has his dad's phone number in his phone.

when she's filmed from the side, her nose and her lip filler migration are so damn distracting!

JRK is trying so hard to get on Candace's show. Her stupid podcast interview at that pathetic right wing women's summit where she announced, "CANDACE OWENS SAVED MY MARRIAGE" still didn't get her attention from Candace. btw, Jessica, how is that marriage working out? hmm...

So this means the "divorce for men is hard" follow was NOT a troll because Mike only came up with the idea to troll a day later, when reading this thread.

Mike's too big of a wimp to ever act on it. He'll just sit at home, furiously masturbating and then hating himself for it. This is why guys like Mike hate gay and trans people. He's so jealous that they're out there living their lives proudly instead of feeling the hate and shame Mike feels.

There's a whole book/movie (Molly's Game) about what a piece of shit Tobey is. It was written by Molly Bloom, a woman who was throwing private poker games for celebrities. Tobey was obnoxious, disgusting, and wanted to humiliate her and other women all the time. Of all the celebrities she dealt with, he was a SICK FUCK

he read the comments on yesterday's post wondering whether he was trolling and it gave him the idea to troll. Which is funny because it basically proves he never thought of trolling us with his follows until TODAY.

Doesn't matter how many accounts he follows as a troll, we all know that he got caught jerking it to femboys and JRK couldn't get ahold of him to tell him to unfollow for a full day because he was in mexico & didn't have a cell signal. That's very embarrassing for a lot of guys who want to be seen as straight, but especially to Mike, who consumes right wing propaganda telling him that he's a cuck, a beta, a pathetic man for not being a Trad husband. Candace Owens would be disgusted by him, yet he worships her. self hate is sad, but in this case it's kinda funny.

she threatened to slap her heavily pregnant daughter across the face in anger, for no good reason. and that's in front of cameras!! god only knows how abusive she is off camera.

since she's raising a daughter, she needs to get that under control ASAP before she teaches her daughter the same thinking.

he should prepare his face for the leopards

he knows we look at his "following" list. I guess he really wanted us to know. or maybe he got mad at JRK and wanted to give us the scoop on something she's trying to hide?

If a REAL democrat had RFK Jr's voice, MAGA would never shut up about it. He's so hard to listen to.

so what candidate do you think could convince people with 4 months left

it's too close to the election for us to all of a sudden present a new candidate. These idiots aren't helping us.

Why the fuck is she going into business with him on something she's not even interested in. Obviously his new business needs her fame or money or something.

He sucks.

There's nothing Jessica Reed Kraus loves more than a powerful man who rapes women.