I didn’t know they had a train for game days until someone told me the day before. It was booked up by the time I looked so make sure you do it earlier. Idk how much earlier it has to be but someone else should. Also leaving the stadium by car took forever which I’m sure is usual for any nfl game

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Ortega is not a small featherweight, I feel like no one cares if short notice fights are catchweights because most fans are just happy a fight was saved with a replacement

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Rei tsuruya vs Carlos Hernandez. Great scrambles and grappling throughout the whole fight

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

No it will be void. They’ll create new odds for the new fight

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Stick the tongue out and go for bad takedowns

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

What do you guys know about rei? Not many Japanese prospects, I’m interested how he is

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Who did Ricky Simon piss off to end up the first fight of the night?

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

God I didn’t even notice that, I think I need to start watching karate combat

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Karate combat posted an update saying he was responsive before he got in the ambulance and was at the hospital, no other updates so assuming he’s ok and not in any serious condition

link to update

What’s your strategy when playing blackjack? Someone told me to do something a little similar before but I’ve never played in casino

He’s also been told he can’t gamble at certain casinos because he’s won so big

I think I remember that fight. She kept trying that kick and it looked like shit. The fact that Rawlings was KO’ed by that telegraphed kick that Paige kept spamming was pretty embarrassing

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

If you’re into frat white boy rap, hoodie Allen says “Anderson Silva I hit em with the high kicks”

How do you unsuccessfully deport someone? I know it’s probably a legal loophole he couldn’t be deported but just by reading that he was a double agent seems grounds for deportation

The new guy

You say it’s work with nothing with plumbing and work a monkey can do, you’re a first year, you make the journeyman’s job easier basically. Also bigger buildings like that, or high rises, you could be doing same thing for 6 months to a year. Just don’t complain and pay your dues, metaphorically I mean. If they can’t trust you to work hard on the simple stuff, why would they trust you with actual tools in your hand? Being an apprentice sucks sometimes but if you want to learn and listen people will teach ylu

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Idk if he has an opponent yet but it’s not uncommon to toss a guy like that to a better opponent for a highlight knockout. Who when said better opponent is in the ufc filling apex cards they have highlights and hype to show

The new guy

A lot of jobs have their cliques. Don’t be too offended if someone ships you off to another job. Some guys want their crew they trust or just guys they know. Some foreman have 0 patience and are assholes. If you’re a good worker others will notice and even if you get shipped off it’ll work out

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

I was using ESPN the other day, in the middle of watching baseball the stream would switch to the screen that happens before an event that says “your event is about to start”. I’d have to leave the stream and go back in to it. Happened a few times so I restarted the app. Was good for a little bit then started doing it again

You would have to have full proof to convict him for his true motives. Even if it’s obvious and everyone knows it, you need proof

I actually saw some people on twitter commenting on some power slap stuff who were fans. Most were complaining the count should be a minute instead of 10 seconds. They love them some CTE