Only when around my best friend.

I hate hearing it, I don’t really know when it started but at least since I was a teen.

Honestly I’ve never tried it. Its worth a go to see if I don’t mind it. Thank you.

I can for sure feel a meltdown coming hours before so when I feel it I try to reduce as much stress as I can, not going to work etc.

In my experience, I tend to sort of black out during a meltdown, I have to be told afterwards what happened because I have very little memory of it (as if someone else was in control) and a panic attack I can sort of think but not as rationally as I usually do.

I’ve had panic attacks when there’s been a lot for me to process emotionally in the past. I haven’t had a meltdown in a while but I used to get them quite a lot about 5 years ago.

People often tell me that’s rude not saying it back. I tend to reply with “ok” or “I know”.

Thank you for the comment, I’ll give that a go.

Why do people insist on saying “I love you”. Discussion

I mean, can you just not. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t like hearing it and then get told off for not saying it back?

Does anyone have any advice?Advice

I (M20) have always been happy to spend my life alone and always felt like I’d deserved to be alone. I had gotten used to the loneliness until I met this girl at work (I no longer work there), we have become friends and I consider her to be my best friend, (I only have 1 or 2 others) we see each other every other day, sometimes more and smoke together and talk for hours. I think about her so much and like her so much but I don’t know what to do, I don’t think she feels the same way about me and I don’t think it’s worth the risk of ruining the friendship but the thoughts are eating away at me and I struggle to focus on things when thinking about her.

She’s the first girl (or anyone really) to pay attention to me and before I met her I was very depressed and suicidal.

I’ve got 2 cats, one of them is a Stanley for sure can’t figure out the other one.

I have not, i will listen to it. Thank you.