That was my first thought - I’ll wait for someone to replicate it and just print it… no electronics in it, where did they get the $90 price tag from?

I use a ~$10 Easyiot ZB-GW04 (v1.2, w/ flow control) flashed MultiPAN RCP firmware and it works perfectly for my 50+ node system in ZHA

I came from a CC2652P in Z2M, but I wanted to be ‘ready’ for Matter and was looking to simplify my setup as I didn’t have anything that required Z2M in play

There are no real environments where a house cat is an apex predator

There are dogs and raptors around the entire world and can be in any outdoor environment a house cat can be in

The only environment they could possibly be an apex predator is if they are an indoor cat locked away from the threats of larger outdoor animals.

House cats are predators, but they are most certainly not apex predators…

Apex predator means top of the food chain/effectively unable to be hunted by another predator - plenty of things can and will hunt/kill house cats

Even just a HotS Rexxar-style spec would be interesting

Short/mid range attacks from the hunter but ~50% of your kit is offloaded to the pet, plus direct movement/control of the pet (in addition to yourself) instead of pets auto-following you or your target

What voltage is your power? 110/120 or 220/240?

I’ve been looking for something similar but seems like I can only find options for non-NA voltage (e.g. 220/240)

Home Theater PC

Just a dedicated PC used as a video source

Can install LibreELEC and have it be a dedicated Kodi box, AndroidX86 and it be an Android based solution, or there may be other OS’s suited for it as well

If you don’t have a system like Home Assistant to control it from your phone you can get a usb device like a FLIRC so you can use a regular IR remote to control it

You’ll need light controls at all the doors, at least that’s the case for us here in California

In situations like this, where we need to pass inspection but we don’t have the keypads yet (Palladiom and Sunnata are cheaper to order pre-engraved, but increases lead time) we install ~$20 picos with a PICO-WBX and program them in to pass inspection and make the lighting usable until the keypads arrive

While you could get the RA up and running and program the picos, you could also pair the picos directly to a dimmer/switch and avoid having to program anything in advance

The current HDR ‘standard’ is HDR10

Dolby Vision and HDR10+ are extensions of that with dynamic metadata

Dolby collects licensing for Dolby Vision, as does Samsung for HDR10+

Other TV brands use HDR10+ other than Samsung, just not LG or Sony

Don’t get me wrong, Dolby vision is great, but I don’t think it’s a reason to boycott Samsung… (I’m a Sony guy personally, but the QD-OLEDs Samsung puts out are tempting as they’re typically far cheaper than Sony’s which are out of my budget)

with all loads being run to the pantry (which is in the kitchen and next to the dining area) with 3ways for the primary load (ie kitchen recessed) run to visible walls to be swapped for seetouch keypads (remove red wire) to run scene controls.

I’d think about wiring the master loads into the WIC, plus run a 3way from the main recessed load to a visible wall to swap for a keypad later

I don’t quite follow this, why the 3 way wiring and then swapped to keypad instead of just wiring for a keypad initially? Just seems like you’re spending unnecessary money on the extra wiring and aux/remote dimmers/switches, plus just adds extra unnecessary complication to the wiring layout - unless there’s some benefit I’m not seeing it seems entirely wasteful

The document you refer to only mentions utilizing the 3-way wiring in the case of a retrofit - in a new build I’m not sure why you’d do it that way

I would just run the loads to the closets/pantries, no need to tie them to the keypad locations.

What’s the efficiency of distributed inferencing?

As in, if I have 2x12GB/3x8GB/4x6GB nodes how does it compare performance-wise and results-wise to a single 24GB card

I mean, hate to break it to you but ALL tv OS’s suck.

Some are okay out-of-the-box but they all get worse over time - either the updates start bogging them down or the lack of updates means they don’t keep up with new features

Don’t be a TV for its ‘smarts’, by a TV as a display and use a Nvidia Shield, Apple TV, or HTPC for the ‘smarts’ and you’ll never be disappointed

If you have it set to 2ch or pure direct or direct or stereo or anything like that you won’t get subwoofer channel

You need to use a different soundfield/mode that will ‘upmix’ 2ch signal to the sub as well (PLii Music, etc should do this)

End of support means for the general public. Extended service/support contracts are not a small part of Microsoft’s business, many enterprises and sectors depend on it.

I think privatization can work, with the correct oversight

The issue really is when it’s coupled with monopolization.

For example if your city/zone has privatized garbage collection you can arrange for your own separate collection service if you have an issue with it. That’s not possible with power. If I want to not use PG&E my only option is investing in off-grid equipment which just isn’t feasible for the vast majority of people.

The next best thing was grid-tied solar, but with NEM3 imposed PG&E effectively eliminated having to compete with an alternate energy provider.

If PG&E had to compete with something (another company or peoples own solar) we’d be in a different situation.

65% increase for peak summer rate and 55% increase for off-peak summer rate since 2018

In 2018 my ‘peak’ rate for the same summer period was $0.37/kWh and off-peak was $0.27/kWh

PG&E has their current and historical rates all published

My ‘peak pricing’ (from 4pm-9pm on weekdays) is $0.61/kWh from March through November.

The off peak is $0.42/kWh

Meanwhile PG&E made nearly $2 BILLION IN PROFIT between October 2023 and March 2024

PG&E, Gavin Newsom, and CPUC are vile pieces of shit

We not only have to pay for PG&E’s lack of maintenance on their infrastructure, we also have to pay for the damages caused from the fires because of that. We also directly pay for the expansion efforts THAT ARE GOING TO INCREASE THEIR PROFITS FURTHER.

We also have to pay for their TV commercials, their lobbyists, their community events, etc

I don’t understand how it’s not criminal.

Fuck CPUC. Fuck Newsom. And fuck PG&E

How long till ROI on a $100+bil investment on a train from Merced to Bakersfield? Seems like it would be measured in centuries, not sure how it can benefit the economy in our lifetimes

$8k a month or $8k a year?

If it’s $8k a month that’s an interesting way to say you make $172k a year

I had one. My issue with is, even as a kid, was the positioning required to use it

You either had to lay on your belly with it on the ground, or have it on a table and sit awkwardly in a chair.

Usually I didn’t have a power cord long enough to use it on a table so 99% of my playtime was on my belly

Aside from the discomfort, I thought it was really cool. Mario tennis on it was awesome

Highly recommend you check this out.

But basically yes, you’ll need to introduce a WAN switch in between the modem and the pffense interfaces

The netgate example assumes you have multiple WAN IPs

Seems like some minor changes are needed for a single WAN IP: