Can we be sure he isn’t trying to get fired? Paid to sit at home, or paid to deal with this shitstorm? Seems like he is daring JR to do it.

honk honk Benny is our star! honk honk

PA system should play Palpatine “DO IT” every time it’s time for them to finally score their garbage run.


cranks homer

Crazy to think Leury Garcia would be an improvement to this lineup.

Seriously. The fuck kind of trade is this? Unload 3 key assets for a 1 year rental of a guy the Leafs want to dump? Huh?

Best basketball player of all time. Not early enough. FTFY

Just like him to make a look-at-me spectacle of tossing someone out of the game.

Mel Gibson’s crazy eyes in Ransom “give me back my son!”

are we sure some of these guys aren’t just fans plucked out of the stands to give it a shot?

Can someone now satirize the cook who does the punk rock music / insane quick editing / flicking off the camera crap?

That dog looking at the camera “wtf is happening?”

Reminds me of South Park’s Christmas song, “Dead. Dead. Dead. Someday we’ll all be dead.”