Doubtful any real damage was done if you only did this once. That thermal trip circuit that cut off the power is there for exactly that reason: to protect the CPU when all it's other attempts at staying within it's thermal envelope have been exhausted. That is so long as you've only done this once or twice - repeatedly forcing the CPU to reach those temperatures will eventually do harm to something. Best bet is to wait for the new cooler before booting again.

Windows can, and does, run into the same problem often enough. I work with a lot of bare metal running on windows server and a subset of those are, shall we say, poorly spec'd to task. When a must-run processes (M$ SQL Server 20xx, IIS, and/or other proprietary software unique for each client) starts gobbling ram, windows will happily allow GUI performance to suffer to the point where it acts "frozen" for minutes to hours at a time. It isn't even unique to the Windows Server editions, as some of these run Windows 10/11 (I know, don't @ me).

Browsers compound the problem when another admin leaves a tab or 30 open on the server, since they're generally terrible memory hogs. It's so bad at some sites I've had to implement scripts to kill browsers at 2am nightly.

I'm with everyone here saying that making the modem work correctly is far more important than benchmark CPU/GPU performance metrics. I traded in my Pixel 6 Pro for a Samsung Galaxy and skipped the Pixel 7 & 8 series for this reason. I'll keep skipping Pixel devices until I stop seeing modem-related complaints (no data until phone rebooted, no signal detected at ALL until phone rebooted, overheating on 5G, poor battery life on 5G, etc). My Z Flip 5 isn't perfect, but it ended up costing me $250 after trade and it maintains a far more solid connection even in the shitty service area I live in. Not having to reboot my phone to get data back while using AA on a roadtrip was worth the switch all on it's own. The Pixel line has a lot to offer, but until it can flawlessly perform the basic task of maintaining connectivity it remains a non-starter for me. Hopefully the 3 and 6 month reviews of the 9 will show improvement over the 6, 7, and 8 in that regard.

This was what happened ~10 years ago when my 700w OCZ power supply started giving up (it was old even then). A few weeks of this and it released the blue smoke and was no more.

W11 is generally fine and necessary for the latest DirectX feature stack, which only matters if you game. With the end of support for W10 looming, I'd stay with 11 so long as you're okay with Microsoft's AI ambitions getting ever creepier more helpful by hoovering data on everything you do to improve. Otherwise now might be a good time to give Linux a whirl - so long as all of the programs you need can run there or have replacements.

Shit I forgot all about RT, since I've not found the performance trade-off to be worth it outside the GeForce 30/40-series 80/90 cards even in Windows. Haven't even thought of trying it on Linux, but I'm guessing the translation layer for DXR is still in it's infancy huh? To say nothing on the proprietary APIs used by the big 3.

As someone who just switched full-time (I'd been using Linux as dual-boot for years), I'd say that for the most part performance is fine as far as I can tell. The biggest issue - depending on what you play - is going to be either that you can't play online or possibly run the game at all due to the anti-cheat not working in Linux or that mods for things like Skyrim are either tricky or downright impossible to install. Getting NVIDIA drivers to work is still something of a learning curve, too. If you're AMD or Intel they should just work out of the box.

While it's gotten much easier since the advent of the Steam Deck, there is going to be some amount of learning required to get things to run - especially if you're aiming for non-Steam games. It's not impossible, nor is it even what I'd consider hard, but it's more than the "just run the installer" experience you get on Windows. Be ready to do some google fu.

If this is your first time dipping a toe into the linux pool, I'd say pick the distribution of your choice (there are MANY - some that hold your hand and others that throw you off the deep end without a float), follow their instructions to create a live usb, and test it out. If you like it, look up how to install as dual boot alongside windows for now and go for it. As with anything like this - make sure you back up anything important before you try!

I can't ever imagine having so little of worth going on in my own life that I'd take the time to get upset at this. If a large portion of a group want to celebrate the fact that they no longer have to hide themselves from the world to survive (at least in my country, for now), I say good on them and they have my wholehearted support.

Not so bad where we live now, but we moved from the northeastern US (New York 30 minutes to the east of Manhattan, to be exact). We made almost double the median household income between my wife and I, but buying a house that didn't need another US$100,000 in repairs was almost impossible. My in-laws sold their home for over double their purchase price + improvement costs. The rest of the country isn't like that yet, but we're quickly approaching Canada levels of fucked. At least you guys have the healthcare to cover all the stress-related issues this brings...

I mean from all reports you've also got a fairly unaffordable real-estate market and a bit of a housing crisis going on due to lack of construction, too. Not that the US get's to talk; we're catching up mighty quick. Of all the things we could mirror Canada in, we chose this...

:Snowflake_White: Snowflake White '22 Premium

Came here to ask the same question. Lowering a CX-30 seems like an awfully expensive way to get a Mazda3.

Yeah I was that kid as teenager too. In my case, I've always found it uncomfortable to look someone in the eyes, especially if this is someone who I feel has authority over me. I'm much better at it now, but still catch myself having to force myself to meet someones eyes at times. The natural thing we all do when we're uncomfortable with looking someone in the eye is to look down at some other part of their body. When you're a tall, lanky dude talking to average height women what happens to be at that lower range? Boobs. Not wanting to be a creep or have someone think I've taken interest when I have not, a skill I learned was to focus on the persons mouth. You find it easier to understand what they're saying, you get better at reading lips, and the shift in gaze is so subtle that most people won't notice.

I did this two weekends past. So far it's been fine - most of the games I play are fully compatible with Proton and the rest run with some tinkering (I tend to avoid games with oppressive "anti-cheat" or "DRM" malware out of principal anyway), I log into work remotely onto a Windows system, and the few programs I need from Windows are accessible*. I'd been dual booting on my desktop for decades, but Copilot+ Recall "feature" finally put the nail in the coffin for Windows as a daily driver OS. I've never missed Windows, but I've always missed Linux when I was using Windows!

*Qemu/KVM have come a long way in running Windows 11 VMs. I'd never game this way, but it's perfect for running windows apps and testing out powershell automations for work). It'll be even more convenient when I get all the apps I need working with WinApps.

Really surprised this isn't top comment. That video was horrific.

I always felt bad for the poor data scientist or data analyst who put time, thought, and energy into making those surveys only for the company they made them for to use them as a threat to "motivate" underpaid and overworked employees and thus ruin any and all data gathered.

I'm working this same problem - have you come up with a solution? If not I'll add mine here should I get it working.

:Snowflake_White: Snowflake White '22 Premium

I considered holding off until stock was available for that trim when I got mine, but I'm always concerned about turbo engines. Too many bad experiences with my Dad's Volvo's back as a child and I also KNOW that my impatient ass isn't going to wait for oil circulation to cool it down before turning off after long drives. Was fun as hell to drive though!

:Snowflake_White: Snowflake White '22 Premium

Same. Now if Samsung could just stop their phones from roasting to the point they won't charge during a wireless AA session, I'd have the perfect setup. Alternatively, Mazda could make the center console storage area actively cooled.

I had a relative who used to claim that they weren't racist, then drive around house shopping while calling houses with mis-matched or uneven blinds <insert racial slur here> (note: it wasn't only the word your thinking of; there were many non-white races insulted by her) houses, tell her kids to lock their doors driving through black neighborhoods, etc. Took her years to realize she might have a few racist tendencies. Some people can't see their own blind spots - even when they're a mile wide. OP's sister sounds like one of those.

No, I get it, and sadly they don't have a better option for your use case. Curious though - are you saying you have 1 phone + data-only device and use ~10gb data monthly, or 2 phones + data-only device using ~8gb monthly? If it's just you with one phone, can you not activate a Simply Unlimited new line, then pop in into your data-only device? Not sure if there is something in the terms and agreements which would prevent this or not.

If you read everything above and below the part you quoted, I explained that. Seems like you're getting hung up on the idea that as a three-tier system each tier should be a total improvement on the prior one. It it's easier, think of it as a two-tier system: with Flexible and Simply Unlimited as different options at the same tier and Unlimited Plus as the "premium" tier above them that combined the best of both.

It's been a while, but I believe that Simply Unlimited exists to cater to exactly those customers who DON'T need all of the things that Unlimited Plus offers but need to use a higher amount of data consistently to where Flexible isn't cost-effective. It was created to provide an option in-between their full unlimited plan and Flexible, iirc. For the majority of Americans who rarely leave the country but use a lot of data or simply want a consistent phone bill it makes sense - in many ways it IS an upgrade for them since the features you lose don't appeal to them anyway. They just need the data.

I stay as far away from that crowd as I possibly can so I don't know for sure, but this feels like some sort of pseudo-psychology nonsense peddled by charlatan "Pick-Up Artists" to lonely, vulnerable men over the internet for far, far, FAR too much money. The saddest part is they think they're learning how to "play" (read: manipulate) the "enemy" (read: women) into sleeping with them when in fact it's them who've been manipulated - and separated from their money - by other men. The fact that this moron is rather ham-fisted about the whole affair makes it all the more sad.

A bot would have better formatting. This is just another salty user mad they are not getting better service than they would with VZW/ATT/TMO for only $25. You get what you pay for, and what you get with Boost is worth it for a lot of folks. It it's not for OP and the trade-offs you make for low cost are too much, they can leave anytime. I left for that reason, but I still see the value for others.