Beau McCreery

Everyone seems to forget about titch.

The man is a clearance and ball winning machine. I can't wait for him to be back.

I'd be okay with it is we had more character slots.

12 is not even close to enough to actually have freedom to try out multiple builds without repeatedly deleting characters.

Upvoted originally then downvoted when expanding upon the upvoted comment? Reddit is weird.

Contra dictionary is my new band name, cheers

I'm not sure if I'm in the majority or minority with this - but I have zero problems with the game being a reskinned D3 - because it already has baked in differences: a different art style, and some MMO aspects that I hope they improve upon. That alone already separates it quite a bit from D3. Other than that, lemme explode hordes of demons in a way that is fun. that's it.

Thing is, though, most people kinda just wanna try the cool unique that just dropped for them. Not have a character that can do it all on the fly.

Levelling a character to 90 to use the cool unique that dropped in order to try a meteor build, is fucking insane dude.

That's a completely fair point that I don't see raised too often.

I do give them credit for trying something different - however I also do kind of resent the D2 screechers that kinda made them take that route.

Long lifespan characters can work, but only with a) enough content and b) doubling down on the MMO aspects and SOCIAL FEATURES. They had/did neither of these things.

Still, you do raise a decent point and overall it's cool they tried something different, I just wish they didn't haha. I basically wanted D3 with better visuals, more QoL, and entirely different classes to play. I think some of the open world concepts could be really cool, they just need to be fleshed out.

Which is, to me, such a ridiculous complaint. I don't give 2 fucks if somebody else can change specs on the fly. Good for them!

Eh, realistically I think most people's gripe is the absolute chasm between them and Necro / Rogue / Barb. Which is fair tbh.

Barb shouldn't be able to delete things as fast as they do, however they also are just super easy to level and spec, with affixes that are fun and have essentially no drawbacks. I cannot say the same for majority of the Sorc class.

Uhhh... yeah, make an incinerator build...?

Beau McCreery

Oof, can I have some of that optimism? I'd almost bet my house we won't be top 4.

I'm not completely blaming the umpiring decision for the loss - but let's be honest, we're lucky it wasn't called resulting in an almost certain goal, and a loss to kangaroos.

I've accepted the I prefer reading about the game than playing it at this point. I dno man

Beau McCreery

Yeah, I tend to agree.

It is what it is, I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom, just realistic. And we won last year so I'm still riding that high.

As I said just now in another comment - I don't doubt the boys might be able to pull it together and get back on track, I'm just not betting on it and nor should anyone who sees the writing on the wall.

Beau McCreery

I think you're being a little too optimistic to call it genuinely realistic. Being realistic is weighing up both the positive and the negative. You seem to only want to look at the positive, which is nice and gives happy feelings, but it isn't realistic.

Moore (and others) have had 17 games to find form. It is absolutely untrue that they are in between form, that sounds like spin to me. Some players are on and off, crisp for example - but Moore has largely had a completely out of form season. If you wanna be realistic then let's call it what it is.

I don't doubt the boys can put up a solid fight and maybe scrape through with a chance - however I'm not betting any money on it. We almost lost to kangaroos, dude. And were quite frankly lucky that 50m wasn't called.

My thoughts are that they should treat the customer right before they bail and hence avoid this entirely.

Beau McCreery

I appreciate the optimism, but I don't see the need or gain in not being realistic.

I'm here to discuss the team in a realistic way - and realistically, I think our run home is quite difficult, and we haven't had much team cohesion this entire season.

My little shred of optimism, comes from the fact that we always seem to play to our opponents level. So I do think we will step up and not get flogged, though it is still an uphill battle.

Relax. He probably only is fighting for the belt, but I think OP is mostly saying Gane would be an amazing fight and test for Alex, which I agree with.

Beau McCreery

I wouldn't go as far to say we're fine... Our captain and usually all australian defender has had a really below average season, we have had a shitload of injuries, we're pretty consistently fumbly and shit field kicking. Things don't feel fine

I find this confidence weird.

Jiri is a) huge and b) no joke. Same with Jan.

I realise Jiri is probably a favorable matchup, but to have such confidence that he can't drop those guys is strange to me. He gets better every fight and has power to drop an elephant.

Fuck that I don't want my boy getting brutally KO'd

I wouldn't trust literally anything this dude says, whether over social media or other.

:collingwood3: Collingwood

I'd love for anyone who downvoted to explain why

A general strike that lasts until our demands are met.

This is quite literally the only answer and only real solution left.

:collingwood3: Collingwood

Tom Mitchell.

I see many comments saying he turns it over, he's over the hill etc.

The guy dives for the ball like literally nobody else in our team, and we're getting absolutely slaughtered in clearances recently because of his absence.