From long before the game, my Grandma accidentally called the Dark Eyed Juncos on the feeder Junkies. So eversince in real life and the game they are now Junkies.

First, make sure ALL the grit is cleaned from the lip of the barrel and the edge of the lid. I have found that to be a problem when I hurry through my rock care. I sometimes attack the lip of the barrel with a toothbrush to get anything that might have dried in place.

Second, replace the gasket. The belt and the gasket are nearly the same size, so perhaps you have a belt being used as a gasket.

If all else fails, replace the barrel. But I have found the above 2 make most of my problems go away.

Hopefully, everyone stays safe down river. Also, I hope the little cafe next door survives, so we can continue to get my "Dam pie" as my inlaws call it.

The searchers all say they'd have made Whitefish Bay If they'd put fifteen more miles behind her

I almost always do that for podcasts, especially if they are non-fiction or news related. Maybe I will for non-fiction audiobooks, more so if read by the author. But I never do for fiction audiobooks, I think it breaks the feel of the story.

With a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons more Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty

You can buy signed copy stickers. Travel with a few of those to attach after signing.

Many years ago, I lived in Ely. I met a guy from Flordia who said Minnesota mosquitoes are bugger but Florida's are faster.

I immediately thought of EuroRails. We pulled ours out last month for a few games. Still as good as always.

I'm going to say it's pretty damn hard, but yes. We have a small chain in Minneapolis that has separate prep areas for regular, vegan, and gluten-free pizzas, and my wife has never had problems. We have another chain that has gluten-free crusts but not a special prep area, and that is just asking for pain and misery. Learned by unfortunate trials.

I followed a cop through there last week. I quit accelerating before I hit 35, and they were still pulling away. I still pulled up behind him at the next light. That's how they know people race through there. They do it themselves.

There is a Bennigans "just" 2.5 hours south of here, in Clear Lake Iowa.

I've long been for signs along on ramps stating the speed of the road to come. Something like "Approaching 60 mpg zone" to remind drivers they need to speed up.

Wild, but civilized. The number of times I've seen then waiting at and using crosswalks is unreal.

Whenever ever I hear Iowa I think about an old song by comedian singer Haywood Banks called Interstate 80 Iowa, Here are the entire lyrics.

Mississippi River Davenport Corn, corn, corn, corn Corn, corn, corn "whats that smell?" Corn, corn, corn Iowa City Corn, corn, corn, corn "Look at tree" Corn, corn, corn, Des Moines Corn, corn, corn, corn, corn "Theres that smell again" Corn, corn, corn Council Bluffs, Missouri River

Interstate 80 Iowa- Haywood Banks

This. Once I found out where his money went and his feelings toward LGBT+, I quit buying his books. Used books or library only. The fact that he has such detailed, complex, and nuanced characters yet won't accept the LGBT+ spectrum of the world infuriates me.

First thing we did was bring in 8 yds of soil and regrade around the house. It stopped 95% of our water/foundation problems. You have lots of room below the siding, so you shouldn't have much concern.

We've got city turkeys here in MN. They roam around in flocks or alone. They even use the crosswalks. Not all the time, but it's weird how often they stand on corners and wait for traffic to clear.

When I lived in Michigan, my dad called them Jersey Turns.

Many years ago, I worked at a target, and a big storm came through like a week before Christmas. The need for presents outweighed the weather.  The attendant just couldn't keep up, and the christmas shoppers, you know, are a special breed of A hole. Carts everywhere at closing.  The manager ended up helping by pushing lines of carts with her junky car. The attendant lined them up, and she would bump up to them and push them up to the door. I dont know if she damaged her car. I do know she quit not long after. I think that night may have helped her decide to leave. 

A quick list. We liked the kitchen area. the larger bed, the roof rack(we have kayaks). The windows, including the front window, made it feel more open. The interior height added to the more open feel too. After one particularly miserably hot weekend while renting, we decided an AC might not be as frivolous as we thought. It requires electricity but we only need it in the middle of the summer. The price was pretty good too, we bought it used 1 year old, from someone that decided they needed something bigger.

My wife and I figured out what we wanted /didn't want by using Outdoorsy. It allowed us to rent different trailers. We tried big. We tried small. We reviewed each trailer afterward for likes and dislikes. We spent a summer doing this and decided on a Tag XL Boondock. It works for us, but it might not be your cup of tea. The Tag was more than what was in our original list but ended up at the top of the list. Your list is different, so you might find something different.

I originally thought it may be a waste of money doing the rental thing, but we didn't buy something we didn't like in the end. So, it was worth the extra cash and time to dial into the right trailer.